The present

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I walked into the house, my hands shaking. I had taken care of Dan, after he got out of the hospital, for a long while. I would comfort him when he had night terrors. Of course those died down over the years. But what didn't die down, was my love for him. 

He was always singing in the shower, and popping up in my live streams. When it was just us, he was very clingy. I didn't mind one bit. 

I walked into the kitchen and started dinner. Humming to myself. The box in my jacket pocket weighed a ton, though in reality it didn't even come close to a pound. I sighed and made Dan's favorite dinner. Pouring two glasses of wine, I set out dinner. I had perfect timing. The front door opened and closed. Dan was home from work. 

"Phil~" I heard him call out. My hands started shaking again. 

"In the kitchen love." I replied. I listened to the foot steps which matched my pounding heart. The steps grew closer, and my heart seemed to stop as he walked into the room. 

I saw him look around and frown. 

"Whats all this for?" He asked, obviously confused. I smiled and sat him down, sitting down myself. 

"Its our anniversary." I said. I saw his eyes widen and heard him gasp. 

"Shit!" He said, "I am so sorry. I completely forgot!" He said and looked down. 

I just smiled softly. He always forgot things. He had a terrible memory after the accident. 

"It's fine. Here, Let's eat, then I have your present. I'm sure you'll love it." I said, grinning. 

He looked down and nodded.  I could tell he was sad that he forgot. 

I ate quietly, my stomach doing flips. Was I ready for this? Was he?

SIgning I watched him eat. He was eating more nowadays than he used to after the hospital. I finished my food after he did, my nerves wrecking my appetite. I let out a breath and stood, cleaning up the table. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Dan watching me. He had a look of suspicion on his face. He knew something was up. 

I finished cleaning up and walked over to Dan. He looked up at me, as I gently pulled up to his feet. He smiled. 

"So, my gift?" He asked. He hated surprises but loved presents. I smiled and walked him to the living room. 

"Well... Dan... " I started. Damn this is hard. I took in a sharp breath and closed my eyes.

"Dan, you.. You are the love of my life. You are so amazing and, so wonderful. You are perfect in everyway," I felt myself tearing up, "And i don't want to spend another day, without knowing, that you could be more than a boyfriend to me. Dan," I asked, getting on one knee, "Will you marry me?" I finished.

I saw him gasp, and tears fell down his cheeks, hitting the floor. He got on his knees in front of me. 

"Yes, yes, yes!" He shouted and hugged me tight, Kissing me deeply. 

I smiled and kissed back. Hugging him tightly. 


Hello peoples! Two more chapters after this one! And guess who's writing smut~! The end is neih! ~Fallen Luna

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2016 ⏰

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