Chapter 2. Morning run to Calridge.

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  Tamara as she was walking slowed down and as she did she just squatted down and let got of the car and she just let it go. As the car landed on its wheels it bounced as did the girls in the car. Tamara stopped and when she did she was a good 100 feet ahead of the car and both Joan and Carley they looked up at Tamara's backside. She just stood there, she was in a large grass field about half a mile from a gravel road. 

Tamara then said, "Hey Martin, just imagine for a moment a giant 200-foot tall girl going for a run." Martin's eyes widened and he said, "Oh my gosh, oh my that would be exciting. Are you thinking of doing it?" Tamara nodded and said, "Yes I am going to."

Tamara then moved her right hand to her left shoulder and Martin saw her hand coming, he ran off her left shoulder into her right palm, she moved her right palm in front of her face and smiling at Martin, she said, "Martin, I'm going to put you here into this small decoration pocket her above my left breast." She lowered her palm and moved it against her left breast. Martin saw the small decoration pocket, he went across her palm and got into the pocket. The pocket was deep enough and big enough for at least two people. It was deep enough that it came up to Martin's shoulders, so he was able to look down and around.

Martin was just a bit above Tamara's left breast. As he looked down a part of Tamara's left breast blocked his view a bit. Martin looked up and he saw Tamara looking down at him, she gave him a nice smile and said, "Ready Martin?" Martin gave a wave. Joan put the car into reverse and the car began to back up. Tamara then began to jog in one place and as she did the ground around her just shook and trembled. The car was now a good 250 feet behind Tamara and Joan stopped, cause she found it difficult to drive. Carley shouted, "WHAT THE HELL IS SHE UP TO?" Joan replied, "I THINK SHE IS GOING FOR A RUN, OH MY GOSH." The girls in the small car were sure feeling the trembling of the ground.

Both Joan and Carley they looked up at Tamara's massive backside and as they did Carley noticed as she looked up just how Tamara's thighs and bum cheeks just jiggled in her tight soft jeans. Tamara then headed off on her morning jog and as she headed off Martin fell back towards her left breast and he was feeling Tamara running. Tamara Sherring went running across the countryside. Martin pulled himself up and he looked out and ahead and the sight just excited him.

Tamara Sherring a massive 200-foot tall young woman was running across the countryside. As Tamara Sherring was running through the countryside her massive weight of 4332 tons just shook the ground around her. The trembling of the ground was felt as far away as 7 miles. Martin let out a loud shout of joy and Tamara hearing him gave a smile. Tamara's running speed was 352 mph and she was covering 5.8 miles a minute. Martin looking out and head saw a small farm up ahead right in Tamara's path and a small town to his left a good 2 miles from the town and over to his right a good 4 miles from the small town were a small Hamlet. Ahead of the small town to his left were several small farms.

Martin noticed that Tamara was not slowing down but she kept running. Martin was now scared, was Tamara going to just run through the farm or go around it. Tamara continued to run towards the farm and as she did the people in the town and area saw her coming and so did the people on the farm. The people in the town and area went running, they saw Tamara miles away cause of her height. Tamara was now right upon the farm, the mother had grabbed her three children and they went running, their father was out in the field.

As Tamara Sherring reached the farm, she did not stop or run around it. As she reached the farm, she just leaped and she just jumped over the buildings, the area of the buildings 200 feet by 250 feet. Tamara just jumped over the buildings and as she did Martin sure felt it he was pushed back against Tamara's chest. When Tamara landed she landed on both feet. When Tamara landed the ground around her just shook with an earthquake and the ground just shook and the shaking of the ground was felt as far away as 15 miles. Everyone within a 15-mile radius of Tamara Sherring felt the ground under their feet tremble, those within 5 miles just fell over from the shaking of the ground. Everything within a 5-mile radius not bolted down flew up a few feet into the air from the impact.

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