Chapter 8. The Conniving one.

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Linda was crouched down behind a large tree and as she looked out towards Tamara, Tamara's legs were pointed towards her. Linda saw Martin there on her massive hip and she could see that Martin had his back to her. So she ran out from behind the tree and she ran towards a large Caraganna bush and she went behind it. Linda pushed her way into the Caraganna bush and from there she decided to watch what Tamara and Martin would do. She then muted her cell. She then saw that Tamara slowly began to roll over onto her stomach and as she did Martin ran onto her left bum cheek and Tamara rolled over onto her stomach. Martin stood there on her left bum cheek.

Tamara then spoke, "So does my tiny Martin wants to hear some thunder?"

Martin shouted, "YES, OH YES PLEASE."

Now the place where Tamara had laid down was in a sunken area so as Linda was watching she was able to look up at Tamara's thighs and see Martin easily there on her bum. Linda wondered what Tamara meant about thunder and she soon found out. Tamara then let a thunderous fart rip, the fart lasted a good 2 to 3 seconds and it sounded like a rolling crash of thunder. The sound shook Linda to the core and she was quite surprised at the sound and how loud it was. But what shocked her was when Tamara let the fart rip Martin ran across her left bum cheek and he just slid down the slope face forwards right down between Tamara's bum cheeks. He disappeared from view as he slid down between Tamara's massive bum cheeks. Linda was shocked at what she had seen.

Tamara lifted her head and turning it to the left she spoke, "There you go my tiny Martin. You seem to just love my thunderous farts."

Tamara then squeezed her bum cheeks together and as she did the walls closed in on Martin and to him, in there it felt like a large massive hug. Martin was squeezed between massive walls and he was unable to move. Martin let out a shout of joy but Tamara's massive bum cheeks muffled his shouts of joy. Tamara then unsqueezed her bum cheeks and as she did they jiggled. Linda continued to watch but the events that happened made her even like Tamara even more. She is a lesbian and now wanted to be with Tamara even more. Linda knew that Tamara was not like that. Linda and Tamara did not know each other. Linda began to wonder if that thunderous fart had killed Martin cause he was not coming out. Linda did not blame him at all. Just then she noticed some movement coming from between Tamara's massive bum cleavage, it was Martin, he came out a bit and he laid down on the slope of her left bum cheek before her bum cleavage.

Martin was lying on his back and he then climbed up the slope and went up onto her left bum cheek. Martin sat down he was facing Tamara's back. Just then she heard some movement behind her and she just about let out a scream when a man pushed his face through the Caraganna bush, it was her friend Kevin. Kevin looking at Linda smiled and shook his head in a greeting way. He sat down next to her and he looked through the leaves at Tamara.

Kevin said, "Oh gosh, she is huge. I so much want her to be my girlfriend. Just imagine all the fun I can have with someone that big."

Linda replied, "I know, but Tamara seems to love Martin Lutz."

Kevin replied, "I know. I don't know what she sees in him, but it's really sad. I am a real man and I sure could make her happy."

Linda replied, "Kevin don't you dare. Leave them alone. I do know that Tamara has taken a real liking to Martin so I doubt she would give him up for you."

Kevin replied, "I know. I am not here for that. I am going to see if Tamara will do me a favour. You see I have an advantage. She does not know me, and I don't know her, but I have a friend who does know her."

Linda replied, "Who is this friend?"

Keven said, "Susan Thompson."

Linda sat back and she sighed, "Oh her. Oh gosh. So Kevin what is this favour you want to ask Tamara to do."

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