How They Spend Time With You (Child)

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Luther Hargreeves: Luther took raising you very seriously. He didn't want any harm to come to his little girl/boy. So, he was really hesitant to take you out anywhere at first when you were really little. But Auntie Alison had talked him into taking you to the park one day and he couldn't help but notice how much fun you were having. From that day forward if the weather was nice, you and your father would go to the park and have tons of fun. But when the weather was terrible the two of you would build a blanket fort and watch movies all day. Or until Sir Reginald called him to go on a mission.

Diego Hargreeves: Diego had no clue what little kids liked to do. After all, he had been trained as a superhero from a young age. So he didn't exactly have the best upbringing to go off of. But he tried his best to make sure that the two of you spent time together. The one thing that always seemed to make you smile though was going for rides in his car. You got to spend time with your father, and sometimes Uncle Klaus too. He also tries to get into boxing too. Something he considers a safety precaution in case someone he's angered comes after his family. That way you know how to defend yourself properly. 

Alison Hargreeves: Alison loved spending time with both you and Claire. She had always wanted a daughter so that she could do all the things that mothers and daughters did together. The things she never got to do when she was younger. She loved to take you and your sister shopping for clothes a thing that didn't change as you grew older. The one thing that the three of you especially enjoyed when you and your sister were younger was going to movies and having a movie marathon day. 

Klaus Hargreeves: Klaus was practically a big child himself. So, he knew all the fun things to do with you as a child. You'd make hot fudge sundaes together. One morning even saw the two of you sliding down the stairs in sleeping bags. That is until you'd gone without looking and ended up taking your Uncle Diego down the stairs with you. From that point on you and your father were sentenced to sitting on the couch and watching television all day. Not that either one you really minded that. You both loved watching television. You sort of wonder why Uncle Diego thought that was a punishment, to begin with. 

Five Hargreeves: (aged up to 17) You and your father love to read together. He'll be sitting in his favorite chair with a newspaper or one of his favorite books. You'll be sitting in your favorite chair with your favorite book. Usually something childish but as you get older you start reading more mature books. No one would be surprised if one of these days they walk up and find you reading one of Stephan King's novels. 

Ben Hargreeves: (he's still alive) Ben and you usually end up trying to stop your cousin and Uncle Klaus from doing something bad. Although the both of you thought it was kind of funny when your cousin took Uncle Diego down the stairs with her. When the both of you aren't watching out for Uncle Klaus and your cousin you're usually playing games on one of the game consuls that your father and Uncle Klaus have. That way you can still be doing something fun and keep an ear out for trouble. 

Vanya Hargreeves: From a very young age your mother has taught you how to play the violin. It's something that she loved when she was younger. So when she asked if you would like to learn you agreed. It's something that calming that you both enjoy doing. 

Grace Hargreeves:  Grace cared for you children a lot. Sometimes it seemed even more than your father did. She would do everything and anything to make any one of you smile. The one thing that you remember doing with her the most during your childhood was making cookies together. She would allow you to pick out the cookies that you wanted to make and the two of you would set to work. Sometimes Alison, and Vanya would help. Ben too. But more often than not you were the one that helped with the cookies. It's a memory you would always have together. 

Sir Reginald Hargreeves: He doesn't really spend time with you and your siblings. And when he does it usually involves training you guys to use your powers. Besides that, you only ever see your father during the morning, afternoon, and evening mealtime. 

Pogo: Pogo is more of a father figure to you and your siblings than Sir Reginald is. Although he still has to do as Sir Reginald tells him in regards to you and your siblings. He teaches you and your siblings the lessons that you would have learned in school. Although he does tend to make the lessons more fun than the ones that your father had planned. He also enjoys reading you and your siblings bedtime stories. 

Eudora Patch: She's not the girliest girl in the world but she wants to give you a good life. She doesn't enjoy the fact that your father has you boxing at such a young age. So, when you're not boxing with your father, you're spending time with your mother. The two of you usually have a girl's day out. With shopping, usually for books because you enjoy reading a lot, and getting your nails done, a thing your father doesn't really like. She also enjoys teaching you how to cook some of the recipes that she grew up on. 

Hazel: The two of you love going to the donut shop and just sitting there eating donuts. It doesn't matter what kind of donut you guys have. It's your favorite thing to do together. Plus you also enjoy watching him flirt with the waitress behind the counter. Agnes?

Cha-Cha: The thing that the two of you do together is train. She wants you to go into the same business that she and her partner Hazel are in. So that's what she and you do together during your childhood. She says your skills are starting to become even better than the infamous Number 5's. Which is something that you are insanely proud of. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2021 ⏰

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