Your Powers and When You Start to Exhibit Them

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I'd like to point out that I do not own the video at the top of the page. I found it on YouTube so props to the person who made it. 

Also if you would like please feel to request a preference or an Imagine. I'm always willing and ready write.


Luther Hargreeves: You have the ability to read people's minds. You first exhibited this power when you were about six years old. 

You, Your father (Luther), and Your Auntie Alison had been having a nice quiet day at the park when some horrible words started sounding from nearby. You looked around to see who was talking.

"Hey baby, leave the muscle man and come see what a real man can give you," the voice said but upon looking around you found no one's mouth moving. After couple more foul sentiments your eyes located a drunk man leering at your Auntie Alison.

"Daddy," you whispered pulling on Luther's arm to get his attention.

"Yes, baby," he said getting down on your level.

You asked him what some of the things you'd heard meant because a lot of it had you really confused. You are six years old after all.

"Where did you hear that from, baby?" he asked.

You point over at the man who was still leering at Alison. "He said it," you told him. "He said that about Auntie Alison."

That said Luther went over and made sure that the man would never say or think another vulgar thing in public again. 

Seeing as your powers were closer to your Auntie Alison's she helps you when you begin to train with them.

Diego Hargreeves: You inherited your father's ability to throw things with great precision. You were six months old when you first exhibited your powers for the first time. And it was no surprise to anyone. Except for maybe Eudora.

Your father and mother against their better judgement decided to leave you with your Uncle Klaus. Who of course was over joyed to be allowed to take care of you. 

Surprisingly Klaus was very attentive to you the whole day. You guys had tons of fun watching tv. Klaus took you on walk to this park that wasn't far from the house. The two of you had just woken up from a nap when your dad came back from what he was doing.

You were excited to see your dad again. Squealing and raising your arms to be picked up from your play pen. But he walked into kitchen to get something to eat instead of picking you. You looked up at Uncle Klaus as though to say what was that.

"I know," Klaus whispered to you. "He just walked right past you. And your his kid."

"What are you going on about now, Klaus?" Diego muttered coming out of the kitchen with a sandwich.

"It's just..."

At this point you picked up the stuffed teddy bear your Auntie Vanya got you when you were born. You didn't even have to aim perfectly for the teddy bear to hit your father in the face.

"Diego, she's just like you!" Klaus gasped clapping excitedly as he picked you up and spun you around.

Alison Hargreeves: You have the ability to manipulate reality kind of like she does. But you can also shapeshift. You first exhibited your ability manipulate reality from the time you could talk. But your shapeshifting ability was found when you were in your teenage years. 

You'd been saying all your since you turned sixteen you wished you looked more like your mother. But one day the strangest thing happened.

"Hey Alison," your Uncle Luther said walking up to you, "I think we need to about something."

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