Chapter One: Mercy of the King.

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Jimin was so nervous.

He had been waiting for this day for so so long. Six years to be in fact. Jimin wasn't the

type to push his desires on others but he wouldn't lie to himself. Jimin desired Jeon Jungkook like his lungs desired oxygen. Jimin had no idea why his pull was so intense towards the young Alpha but after countless times of trying to deny his feelings, himself, he couldn't. Jimin truly and completely loved Jungkook and he craved so badly for Jungkook to love him. But he wouldn't push Jungkook. Never. So, Jimin was patient. He waited and waited for the Alpha to accept him. Countless nights of not knowing who Jungkook was with. Where he was? If Jungkook was even alive and then out of nowhere, the Alpha would show up and things would fall back into place as if no time had come between them. It was painful and difficult but when was love ever easy? Especially if you fell in love with the most powerful mafia boss in the world. You see, Jungkook wasn't trapped within the walls of their country. His reach was far and worldwide. The young Alpha had taken what his father created and made so much more of it. Extended the reach of the Jeon name and the fear that came with it. Jungkook had world leaders dropped to their knees at his feet. Jungkook was truly the King. A monster among men. But with so much power came the reality of a lot of things.

Having everything but nothing at the same time. Being unable to trust anyone except for

the few that rose to the top with him but even then, it was a constant game of chess to see who could outplay who. Jimin was sure that Jungkook felt the full weight of his position and the painful loneliness that came with it. Knowing this, Jimin had no problem being patient. He knew that Jungkook tried to keep him at a distance because for Jungkook, Jimin was a weakness. Something his countless enemies could use to cripple Jungkook and destroy him. Jimin sometimes wondered why Jungkook didn't just have him killed. Then there would be nothing that could take away his throne but Jimin could guess. For the monster that everyone else saw, Jimin saw the man. A child that was forced to constantly fight for his survival, to kill people, grown adults that wanted him dead for simply being who he was. That child became a man, a cold and heartless man but deep down, Jungkook was human and he craved some kind of contact. Jimin was positive that Jungkook craved love.

The opposite of pain and suffering. Maybe it was because Jimin never showed fear towards

Jungkook that the monster was able to shed his mask and become a simple man in front of him, desperate for touches of affections and sweet, gentle words. Jimin would never know for sure but one thing he did know was that his love was vast and completely for Jungkook. That would never change. It was a dangerous game that Jimin was playing with his life, but he felt safe in Jungkook's arms. Those big, strong arms that always protected him. Kept him safe when they held him and made him feel just as loved. Jungkook never said it out loud but Jimin knew that Jungkook loved him. Admitting it would be signing Jungkook's death warrant, so he tried to show it through actions and Jimin was able to pick up on it. So, despite Hoseok's warnings, Jimin knew the real Jeon Jungkook and he would never abandon him.

That was the reason that tonight was so important.

Jungkook was making a big move, taking a step towards something more and Jimin wanted

to grasp onto it tightly and not waste this chance. Jimin wanted Jungkook to take him, he wouldn't resist. Jimin would give up his life for Jungkook. Was he afraid of the Underworld that Jungkook ruled? Of course. But he would embrace it, embrace Jungkook and he would do whatever the Alpha needed. Jimin was more than ready to become his mate, bare his pups and raise them for Jungkook. He would carry the Jeon name proudly. Some might think Jimin's existence was pitiful, sad and undesirable but to that, Jimin would just say those judgmental people didn't know true love.

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