Chapter 26: Back Home and...something's up.... Flynn's POV

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So in this chapter there is a timeskip, not too much, considering I just timeskip like...two...or more... hours, not too mayor, anyway, this chapter takes a goddang long time to come up with, so long that it literally took me two/three whole days to come up with it! and I'm stll giving a long chapter!!! Since I decided that I owe it to you guys....since it takes so long for these to come out!!! Anyway! I hope you enjoy!!! See ya in the A/N in the end of the chapter!!!

So, the 'party' as I like calling it, that started around like 7pm was now at...10pm let's just say it lasted a long time, and don't worry not all of it was slow dancing...when Dainty had enough of it she decided to switch it back to something more lively, thank god, it was getting too awkward..

Then Dainty stopped everything when she looked at the clock, and freaked out a little when she did, just a little! don't worry! not like she exploded over that!

"Oh God! look at the time! it's 10! you guys are supposed to go back by now!!!" Okay maybe she did freak out a lot over it... "The alarm was supposed to go off and tell me when it was time!!" 

"It's not that big of a deal Dainty!" Punzie said as she laid a hand on her shoulder reassuring her that it was okay. "What's important is that we all had fun!" She said as she smiled. She stopped freaking out

"I guess...your right!" she said excitedly "Now...I should probably show you guys to the transport back..." She continued. this time with a more sad expression in her face.

She said we all nodded, with sad expressions on our faces, I can tell we are all going to miss this place. Then we all walked outside to get to the transport that I assume is the same bus that took us here in the first place. in the way though...

"Shhh!" I heard Anna as she told us to stop talking. when I realized it was because of who was ahead. And we all heard the entire conversation.

Elsa's POV

So I just slow danced with Jack....I mean, there was nothing wrong, it was just weird....but at the same had something in the whole moment, that it just made me want to be able to replay that never wanted it to end...I don't know this feeling still but I should really get my mind off of it..,

"Thanks" I said to him, with a smile on my face, he looked at me and asked me.

"For what?" He asks, puzzled expression on his face.

"Well, over all...for being a great friend so far" I said as I smiled at him, he smiled back

"That's what friends are for right?" he finished. 

We just stayed in a long silent moment for a while, as we just watched the sky, I didn't even realize when I got lost in thought about today and leaving this place since we eventually had to at some point by now...

I also didn't realize that we were being watched by the rest until I heard cheerful squeals and giggles, followed by Jack's voice, that snapped me out of my thoughts. I turned to the side to see the rest and approached them. 

"Oh my god! that was a cute moment!!!" Punzie said, really excited over it, "Why did we have to be so loud?" She said as she finally calmed down

"Because you wouldn't be yourselves if you weren't loud" Kristoff replied to them, we all chuckled/giggled at the comment and then Dainty said.

" much as it hurts need to's time to go separate ways now!" She said as she gave a overly dramatic look. 

"We'll be back...someday" Flynn said as he put a hand on Dainty's shoulder. That definetly helped her dramatic act...

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