Chapter 30: New groups? Hiccup's POV

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OH MY GOD!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS STORY HAS 30 CHAPTERS ALREADY!!!! I am like so happy!!!! I'm also pretty happy that there is 135 little droplets!!! I LOVE YA'LL SOOOOO MUCH!!!! KISSES AND HUGS TO ALL OF YOU!!!!!!! ANYWAY!!! I'M LIKE WAY TOO HAPPY RIGHT NOW!!!!!! ANYWAY NOW CHAPTER! RIGHT!!!! this chapter does contain some new characters...not really new but you get me...and well, it does contain some Astrid and Hiccup's all part of the plan!!!! Yes, don't worry I do know what I'm doing...FOR ONE!!!!!!! I'm being a little miserable now...let's just go to the chapter...*does chapter transitioning motion*

The next day (yes this does happen the next day at school)

I walked up to school and as usual I started looking for my usual group of friends, turns out I bump into someone else instead...which of course, I recognized her blonde hair. It was Astrid. I seem to keep bumping into her lately I don't know why that is though....

"Sorry...I didn't see you there" She apologized I just nodded in a Don't-worry-about-it manner. to which she smiled. 

"Don't worry...I guess I should've been more focused on the way" I said this because honestly I think it was obvious how much I was lost in thought... she again just smiled. 

Then we stayed there in a long silent moment...I again got lost in thought not realizing she was talking...until she waved her hand in front of my face...which that snapped me back from my thoughts. she smiled and then continued.

"So...where are your friends?" She asked me, I shrugged my shoulders. as if in a I-don't-know- manner, which she understood and asked me again.

" can come with me and my friends if you want" She invited, I thought about it, and realized that it would probably be time to start class by the time I find my I agreed to go with her. 

She's actually really fun, we talked about random things and laughed hard at them. she's actually pretty nice. 

Merida's POV

It's been a while since I've seen Hiccup, I've seen all of my friends and I was with them right now...but my mind kept circling around why Hiccup wasn't seen with us in a while...

Then I get interrupted out of my thoughts by Punzie's hand being waved in front of my face. which made me realize the bell to go to class had rung and the others were already going...

"Hurry Merida! we'll be late for class" Anna said...I groaned in annoyance "I know you don't like it but you have to come" She continued...I just walked with them to class...she was right after all..I need to go....

 well...long story short, I went to class, math class to be exact, Hiccup there either, Which is quite weird, considering that he's always in math class at the same time as me. I wonder where he could be...

For some reason I seem to be more wondering where Hiccup a 99% wondering where he is...and a 1% focused in the actual class, so...I decided to go and look for him, how? the way any normal student would! I raised my hand and asked for permission! except in my case it was, slowly grab a pass and make my way to the door. I was lucky enough to be sitting besides the teachers desk to be able to grap a pass...the thing was sneaking out the door. 

Well, long story short, I very slowly and quietly went from table to table until I was in the table beside the door, at that point I opened the door carefully and walked outside. managed to work just fine. 

So I walked down the hallway, peeking at every class door I could find, and being careful of not being caught, when i decided to start looking at lockers as well, I peeked and tried to hear something from them. Since sometimes it was a common thing for Hiccup to  be stuck in a locker...that sounded mean...

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