Chapter 32: You've changed...Anna's POV

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I sense this one might be both a bit weird...and may also bring a few tears to the eyes of the people reading....just a bit....who knows maybe....ANYWAY, I am SO sorry for not updating for SO long!!!! I hope you little droplets won't hate me, because I really am sorry! first it was the actual life and school...and then it was writer's block....yeah....not the greatest....but *drum rolls* I AM BACK!!!!!!!! And this time I will update daily!!!! probably....ANYWAY! so as I said....first parts of this chapter may bring tears to your eyes.....may....MAY got it the first time? you smartie! TO THE CHAPTER!!!!

The Next Morning (again it does indeed start in the next morning)

As soon as I walked right into school I started to look for Hans, I've been hanging out with him, and to be quite honest, he's a pretty nice person to hang around, I guess you don't judge a book by it's cover. But yeah, I was looking for him, well...that is until I stumble upon someone else...a blonde guy to be honest, even though I did recognize him...

"Hey Anna!" He said as he waved at me and neared me. I just smiles and waved back

"Hey Kristoff!" I said with a smile on my face, it's been quite a long time since I've seen him...or the rest of the group for that matter... "I haven't seen you in a while..." I said a little sad about it, I mean they are my friends and I did miss them...a lot... I looked down to the floor...

"Yeah..." He said, also looking to the floor, but quickly raising his head up to look at me again "But...enough sad things, what have you been doing lately" He asked, I felt he was trying to sound cheery...

And at that moment I remembered what I was doing at the moment before Kristoff came along...Looking for Hans...

" the moment....I was looking for Hans..." I said as I stood on my toes and tried to locate him. then I went to standing normlly and asked him. "Have you seen him?" I asked him

I saw him look down and shake his head in denial with me, then he continued "No...I haven't..." he said a little....disappointed...and sad....

I looked down and quickly raised my head to look at him "well, that's fine! If you see him...tell him I was looking for him" I said with a sweet smile on my face, I saw him just nod and walk away... but he was still looking sad...

Remembering that I went ahead and walked away to my class... he really looked disappointed with a mixture of sadness and heartbreak... but... I just couldn't interfere with whatever bothered him.... sure I can ask...but....what if that makes him feel worst?

Just looked straight as I walked to my next class, but also still looking for Hans...and trying not remember Kristoff's sad expression....which....I managed to fail horribly at....

(Timeskip to the end of the first class)

And counting the minutes I managed to survive the first class...I still didn't find soon as I saw Kristoff exit the classroom, I decided to go and catch up with him, to talk with him again.

"Hey Kristoff!" I said as I smiles happyly and waved at him cheerfully as always. but he just waved...

We walked for a while to our next class. it was...quite the long....silent.... awkward walk... things....are different now....but I just can't figure out how... or why...

Well....that is until Kristoff was walking ahead of me....without...looking behind at me...

"Kristoff...? umm...." I said as I tried catching up to him "you're kind of....leaving me behind...." He just kept walking still not looking at me... "Is something wrong...? Kristoff...?" I said with a confused tone in my voice

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