Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything but the story

(Be warned: there is mention of suicide, so if your not comfortable with that just skip it over)

     Ben started out in the small town of Bellewood. That's when his adventure began. But...the memories were to painful. Ben lost everything. He didn't want to remember the pain.

   Mom, dad, Gwen, Kevin, Grandpa, Julie, when he tried to remember their faces, all he got was their broken lifeless bodies. It was painful. Why did you have to die? Why did you leave me? Why couldn't I save you?

    His home, his world, his happiness was gone, destroyed. He took to long to beat Vilgax. If he was just stronger, he could've saved his family, his loved ones. Now all that was left was him and Ship. Ben adopted Ship after Julie died. Ben came out of his thoughts. He didn't realize he was sitting on the top of the building for awhile.

    Ben glanced down. He was 5 stories up. If he was one of the aliens, he would definitely survive. But he was in human form. Humans were much more fragile. Ben slowly tipped forward. As his body lost the connection on the building. The air hit his body as he was falling down. Ben thought, don't worry everyone, I'll be with you guys soon. I'll see you all soon. As the grounded near, Ben was waiting for impact. Instead he saw a bright green light engulfed him.

He opens his eyes and realizes whose in front of him. It was Serena and Bellicus. He must be in Alien X form but he doesn't remember transforming.

"Hello Ben" Serena says sweetly

"Hello Serena, Bellicus. What's going on?" Ben asks

"It's not your time to die young Ben." Bellicus says bluntly

"Not my time? What's that supposed to mean?" Ben says with anger in his voice.

"It's not your time just yet Ben, that's why we're sending you and Ship somewhere else." Serena says calmly

"I don't want to be anywhere else, I just want to die so I can see my family again." Ben says breaking into tears

"I'm sorry Ben, it's just not your time. You'll love this new world." Bellicus states coldly

"Be nice Bellicus" Serena says while Bellicus just grunts. "Ben, in this world you can find happiness again, and you won't be the only hero."

"It's for the best Ben." Bellicus says

Ben takes deep breaths and calms down. After a moment of silence, Ben is fully calm. "Are you sure it's for the best?" Ben asks


"Yes Ben, and remember you won't be alone." Serena says

"We have already made you a place in a city somewhat similar to Bellewood. It's Camden, Maine. There in the basement, you have all of the stuff your going to need." Bellicus states

"Ok. And Ship will be with me?" Ben asks

"Yes, and we have given you master control of the watch and assess to all of the aliens." Serena says

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