Chapter 11

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything but the story

      Now for the next round.

    This time Ben's team was doing the kickoff. One of his teammates, hold the ball in hand, letting go and kicking the ball up, sending it off to their captain. He caught the ball with his foot, and kicked it to one of the players. He was kicking the ball until one of the enemy's players kicked the ball away from him and sent it to their captain.

    "Did you get any information about it?" Bruce whispered to Diana

    "Yes, it's an alien from his world. Apparently he stopped being an hero to focus on school and soccer but those things too his grandpa so he went hero again which lead to his big fight with you know who " Diana whispered back.

   "That explains why he freaked out, and why they attacked his house. They know he's a huge threat." Bruce whispered

    Bruce looks over at Dick, on the edge of his seat, watching the game. Bruce gives a small smile, seeing Duck so happy and interested in something other then hero stuff.

   Barry was watching the game, he was so tired from beating up criminals and teaching Wally some tips here and there. Barry looks up, for a quick second to see a signal with a bat on it.

   "Hey look, it's the Batman signal." Barry said out loud so Bruce could hear it.

   Bruce looked up and saw the signal, and gave a small nod at Barry as a thanks. He looks at Dick so focused on the game he didn't hear Barry. Bruce sighed and looked at Diana. She nodded saying she'll look after him until he comes back.

   Bruce walked out of the stadium and got into his car driving off.

    The other team was able to score a point from Ben and his team. But they were t going to let that happen again. They were tired but even more determined. They were more focused then they were at the start of the game. The other team started the next round with a kickoff, that was heading straight for their captain. He caught the ball with his foot and passes it off to his teammates.

    One of Ben's teammates took this opportunity to steal the ball from them just like they did to them. He kicked the ball to Ben's captain and he kicked it a few feet's until he tapped it to his teammate that was next to him and headed straight for the net.

   Ben's teammate winded his leg back making it seem like he's going to kick it hard. The goalie opposite of Ben smirked prepared to catch the ball, thinking he's going to kick it hard. Instead Ben's teammate kicked it at a normal kick and kicking it in the opposite direction, tricking the goalie, making him unprepared on catching the ball.

    The goalie jumped in the air, trying his best to catch the ball. Though sadly he jumped to early, making him miss the ball by an inch. The ball landed inside the net, giving Ben's team the win.

   Ben's team jumped up in the air and hugging each other happily. They ran up to their coach, who was crying tears of joy. After a few minutes of jumping in the air and crying tears of joy, they all calmed down and started to do cool downs.

    They sat down, and did child pose, spreading their legs and touching their toes. They did a light jog and got into a line in front of the other team. They all shook hands with each player and said good job to everyone.

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