Chapter 7: Diamond Research

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While the traders were gathering a search party, the private jet arrived in Paris. Before heading to the library, the agents stopped by a boutique for new outfits. Xenna wore a baby blue tank top with a small black leather crop jacket and skinny jeans. She also had on black horn-rimmed glasses and a beret.

Dylan had on a white shirt and khakis, and his auburn hair was greased back. He had sunglasses on his head and a camera hanging around his neck. After shopping, the agents arrived at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France around 3:00. Dylan had the map hidden in his backpack.

"Is that it?"

"Uh-huh. All we need to do is look for the World Map."

"Got it."

"And after we find that, we-" Xenna stopped when she noticed something wrong. "Where's Brian?" Her and Dylan start to look around. "Brian?"


While they were calling for Brian, a strange figure was creeping around and hiding in bushes. When their backs were turned, the mysterious figure moved again. They were startled when they felt a tap on their shoulders. They turned around to see Brian in a costume that would make Inspector Clouseau proud.

"Bonjour, tourist," he said in his phony French accent.

"Oh my god," Xenna groaned.


"Brian, we were supposed to change our identities, not our personality."

"Alright, so, I went overboard, but at least, no one will recognize me."

"Let's hope you didn't use too much glue on that mustache."

"I didn't. See?" Brian attempts to remove the mustache from his face. He pulled at it from two times to no avail. He glanced over at his friends and smiled sheepishly. "I might need some help later."

"Okay. Now, I was going over the plan with Dylan: Dylan, you'll be coming with me to find the World Map." She looks over to Brian, who was still messing with his mustache. "Brian, see if you can find more about the Diamond and if you could, make sure to keep an eye out for any traders."

"On it..." He adds in his French accent: " can count on me." Xenna glare at him. "Sorry."

"If anything happens, use your Bluetooth to call, and we'll rendezvous at the reader accreditation room."

"Got it."


After discussing the plan, the agents went into the library. They went down the marble hallway and entered an oval-shaped room. Thousands of books lined the walls, along with multiple tables and bookshelves. In the middle was a circulation desk where the librarian was typing on the computer.

"Pardon." The librarian looks up to see Xenna by the desk. "Pouvez-vous nous diriger vers la section géographie?"

"Ben sûr."

The librarian rose from her seat and led the agents to the geography section. While walking, Brian was trailing behind as he was mesmerized by the beautiful decor. Then, a pretty French girl with ginger hair crossed his path. He was distracted by her beauty that he didn't see the bookshelf he bumped into. The sounds of books falling and hitting the ground startled the others and disturbed the readers.

"Brian." Dylan went over and helped him. "Brian, stop fooling around and come on."

"I know. I'm sorry. Sorry."

"Come on."

Brian just left the books on the floor and caught up with the others. They followed the librarian up the stairs and down the hallway until they reached the Département de philosophie, histoire et sciences humaines. The lady directed them to a section that read: 'ethnologie, sociologie, geographie.'

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