Epilogue 1

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A/N: Wow! Thank you for 200 views! This is a first epilogue of the book. It continues with a previous chapter, so enjoy!

Midoriya's POV


     It's been a month since me and Toga....um...... Did something that Mineta would love. I was currently in the second year of U.A., and after the few months, I become a third grade of our school! I hope that I become like the Big 3, that I really admire. I am training very hard, not only at the school. Even All Might was impressed at me that I improved a lot! I was able to use One for All 8%, not hurting any part of my body.

     I'm living with Toga and the other villains at the League of Villains' hideout, and my mom thinks that I'm living at U.A.'s dorms. I felt bad for lying to her, but the other villains are really nice to me, they seem like they are not villains at all.

     I'm very famous of being the most well-behaved student at our school. I get perfect score at almost all of the tests, and I win all of the battles or trains. Kacchan is still annoyed that I do well than him, but he became like a good friend to me. We are the rivals in good faith.

After 1 year

     The time passed like a flash of light. The graduation was near, it was almost the days left. I did really hard, and I was able to become the next Big 3, with Kacchan and Todoroki. I was very happy and proud of myself that I achieved my dream, and after we graduate, we can become a pro hero. But Toga was the happiest of all of us. She was really proud that I became the honorable student of U.A. She hugged me very tight and shouted, almost crying.

     "Wow, Izu baby!!! You did it!! Oh gosh, I'm soooooo happy-!!!"

     Toga makes me happy all day. I'm so lucky that she is my girlfriend. And at that moment, I remembered of something. 

     Toga, we can get married after I graduate!

     I slowly blushed at the words that I said 2 years ago. Okay, I should really think about that. Maybe that time will come sooner.

After 5 days

     Today is the graduation day! I felt strange that I was leaving U.A., and become a pro hero. I was so fluttered and happy! I just saw the graduation ceremony when Togata, Nejire, and Amajiki Senpai were graduating, and I almost cried that I was on the same place that they were. I also remembered all of my memories at here. How I trained so hard with All Might to enter this school, the Sports Festival, and something else. I pictured all of the teachers and friends that I met in my head. I felt the tears running down my face. 

     "Owww, Izu, why are you crying? Today, we should be happy!"

     I heard a familiar voice and saw Toga in front of me. She was smiling, wiping out the tears from my face. I hugged her.

     "T...Toga, I'm just sad that I should leave here. I had all good memories at U.A."

     Toga pat my back.

     "Izu, if there is a meeting, then there is a farewell, too. So don't cry! All of the villains are here."

     I looked over her shoulder, then saw the villains. Dabi waved his hand to me. I smiled at them.

     Toga pecked my nose and said,

     "Oh, and I saw All Might and the other teachers waiting for you! Why don't you meet them?"

     I nodded, smiling. Then I ran to find All Might. I discovered he and the other teachers soon. He smiled after seeing me.

     "There you go, young Midoriya!"

     I smiled back, and saw Aizawa, Cementoss, Midnight, and Present Mic. They all smiled at me. 

     "So, how do you feel?"

     "I don't know. I just..... I'm sad that I should leave U.A., but bit excited that I can finally become a pro hero. But I made a lot of good memories here, I...."

     I then broke into tears again. All Might hugged me. 

     "Young Midoriya, even if you are leaving here, we will never forget you. We are still here, and we can watch you from the TV! We will always cheer for you, so don't be sad!"

     Aizawa teacher put his hand on my head.

     "Midoriya, I'm so proud of you that you improved this far. I still remember your broken finger after you threw the ball. You smiled at me confidently, and I think I did well to believe in you. Thank you, Midoriya."

     He then smiled a bit to me. I kept myself to not cry again. After the few minutes, I separated from my dear teachers, and went to my friends. Kacchan smiled at me.

     "Deku, you nerd!"

     Then Uraraka approached to me.

     "Deku, I'm sad that we should all say good-bye to each other! I'm so glad that we were the in the same class, and being friends with you!"

     I chatted with some of my friends at the first grade of U.A., then went back to the villains. 

     "Thank you for coming, guys."

     I said, and Mr. Compress replied, 

     "No problem! We just wanted to see you finally leaving this school."

     "Yeah, this dirty school," Shigaraki added.

     Toga glared at them, as if to kill them right now. I chuckled.

     I enjoyed the rest of the ceremony with the villains, which are my friends now. The hours went by, and the ceremony ended. I looked back at the U.A. building for one last time. The blue building with the words U and A connected. My eyes started to water.

     Bye, U.A. Thank you for raising me this top.

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