Chapter 3

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Meanwhile on the other side of the waterfall near Dark Crescent Territory, newly resides the Blue Moon Pack. This pack is unique, more different than all the other packs around the world. One reason is of course that their Alpha is known to be very ruthless and cold. But the main reason is that their "authority", their superiors consist of women. This pack constitutes female power, that you don't necessarily need men to lead. This is a sadly something uncommon and quite a change in history, but soon enough everything will change.

The Alpha of Blue Moon is known as Katrina Santos, the Female Beta is Casey Richards and the Third in Command, also known as Gamma is Leila Edwards. Every Alpha have their stories, like how they became the person they are today or what secrets are hidden in the pack or about the pack. Katrina's will soon enough be revealed.

"Alpha Santos what's the plan?" Leila asks.

"We will go in and investigate silently. I want to know everything about this pack from their security to what brand of toilet paper they use. I need to know absolutely everything, and I mean it." Kat commands.

Blue Moon is known as one of the most ruthless pack throughout the world, which unfortunately not common with that she is a Female Alpha. After some recent events that will soon be revealed, the pack and their Alpha were in search of new land. And they found a nice large area near a beautiful waterfall, what they never expected to discover another pack on the other side of the waterfall. Katrina oddly a feeling that this pack will be full of surprises.

So, she sent a few of the warriors to find some information about Dark Crescent and another odd issue that she is having is that ever since their arrival her wolf has been going crazy. Her main goal is to find out why. She sniffs around the area where she is currently standing, all she could smell was a strange yet familiar scent.

As she stands, there letting all her guard down the only phrase she has engraved in her head now is...Him...find him...our sweet...we must find him...


"Mi Cariño...come back to me..."

"Who are you?"

"Follow my voice and soon we will be together again...Forever and always my sweet..." Forever and always...

"Dom...Dom...Hello earth to Dom!!" Alec, Alpha of the Dark Crescent Pack and Dominic's childhood best friend yells.

"Huh? Oh, shit sorry. What were you saying?" Dom replies shaking off his trance.

"Dude what's going on with you? You've been acting like this since last week, come on bro you know you tell me anything." Alec gives Dom a reassuring pat on the back.

"Yeah I know's just...I've been having these weird dreams and thoughts about this voice."

"Well do you recognize the voice?" Alec asks trying to help as best as he can. Though there is something odd about his's a bit suspicious, Dom's opinion. But, yet again he's not like every typical Alpha, he has his differences such as, he loves to help everyone in the pack even if he doesn't have the exact resources, he will try his best to find some.

Alec and Dominic have been best friends since birth. What's funny about all of this is even if they didn't get along well, Dom would still have been destined to be Beta at 18 and Alec as Alpha because the late Alpha Matthews (Alec's dad) and Dom's family are longtime friends. So, Dom already had his fate written out. But it's very difficult to dislike the Alpha let alone hate him, he's just such a likeable person, though he can be annoying and has the same temper issues as any Alpha. It makes Dom wonder how his Alpha's mate will react since she will be stuck with all of that.

"I feel like I'm going nuts. I don't know what's going on with me anymore. I feel like each day passing gets worse than the first." Dom shakes his head in frustration.

"That's why I'm asking so I can help you out. I mean come on bro I am your best friend for a reason, right? And besides you're not crazy, weird yes but not crazy." Alpha Alec replies while grabbing his Beta in a headlock and rubbing his knuckle against his scalp. Dom pushes him away and flips him the finger.

"You're such a pain." Beta Dom grumbles.

"Someone's got to keep you on your toes until you find your mate." Alec replies with a cheeky grin on his face. Dom just ignores him and get lost in his thoughts yet again. Today is going to be a long day.

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