Chapter 15

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Sleep seems like the one thing that Dominic is struggling with. He seems to have so many thoughts and questions passing through his mind. But he feels like he can't talk to anyone about it, especially not Kat, Mom or Alec. Dom decides to read through his dad's journal to see if he can find some answers and if it will be a nice distraction.

But after going through it about 5 times already, he's officially found absolutely nothing. Out of frustration, he throws it against the wall. Just as he is about to formulate a plan to get his answers elsewhere, he sees a white envelope poking out of the leather cover of the journal. It obviously peaked his curiosity, seeing as Alec never mentioned an envelope when he showed Dom the journal, so he goes to pick it up. His name is written on the front.

'I wonder what's inside.' Leo anxiously says. He's not the only one that's anxious, Dom is currently fidgeting as he decides whether to open it or not.

He couldn't handle the suspense for much longer, so he rips it open only to find a photo of whom he assumes is his father holding Dom in his arms; It seems to have been taken right after Dominic was born. Dom also found a letter, well 2, one is addressed to him and the other one for his mom. He immediately opens his.

Dear Dominic,

If you are reading this letter, that must mean I am not with you anymore. But hopefully I was able to spend a few years with you before you find and read this letter. But if not, I'm so sorry and I want you to know that I never expected
, nor did I want things to end this way. The reason behind this letter is to tell you the truth, because I know your mother won't be able to tell you everything, seeing as there are things that even she doesn't know. For example, she doesn't know the real reason why I decided to pay Dr. Beckett a visit, I had her think that it was to find a protection potion or something like that, but the real reason was to banish HER away or possibly kill her. And by HER I'm referring to the new Alpha of Blue Moon, Katrina Santos. You have probably heard all the rumors there is to know about the Santos family and the Blue Moon Pack. After that day many things have changed. For some strange reason, she attached to you and demanded for you to go with her in return for saving our lives from rogues. And she used the worse excuse in the world, she told us that you were her mate. Little does few know; she is part witch and it was obvious that she somehow was able to cast a spell to make it seem like you both were mates. I don't know how she did it but I was going to find out. That's why I decided to visit Dr. Beckett, to reverse the spell and figure out a way to stop her. You probably know this by reading the journal and hopefully by what your mother has told you, you're a hybrid; half wolf and half fae. A fae's heart is the most powerful ingredient that witches could ever need in their potions and you can just imagine how powerful a hybrid's heart could be if it falls into the hands of a witch or well half witch in this situation. But don't you worry my little Dominic, I will do everything in my power to stop HER from taking you away. But if something happens and I couldn't finish the job, I need you to find Dr. Oliver Beckett and finish what I've started, he will tell you everything you need to know. I love you my little Dom and I'm sorry if I couldn't see you grow up into the great young man, I know you'll aways be. But know that I'm watching over you and your mother from where ever I am.

Sincerely with your love,
Your father Daniel

It was obvious that his dad was feeling emotional as he wrote this letter, seeing that there were dry tear stains throughout the page. Dom couldn't even imagine how his father was feeling when he wrote the letter to his mate/Dom's mom.

'Well it seems like we have to go to New Orleans to find out what really happened.' Leo states, and Dom couldn't agree more with him. But how will he explain this to his mom.

'Well easiest way would be to write a note and leave it with her letter in a place where she can easily find it. She should understand why you need to go visit this Oliver Beckett guy.' Leo suggests. See there are days where Dom couldn't help but thank the Goddess for the intelligence of his wolf.

'I bet if I was human, I would have a higher IQ than you.' Leo gloats.

And then there are days like this where he really ruins the moment. But Dom will take his advice and leave both the note and letter attached to the fridge door where she can easily see it the next time she enters again. But first he should do a bit of research on this Dr. Oliver Beckett guy through the internet, to see if he's an actual reason.

Dom sits on his desk with his computer, ready to search for any kind of information he can find on this guy from News Orleans. He automatically clicks on the first link that pops up after he types in, "Dr. Oliver Beckett, New Orleans". The link took him to some kind of page that basically informs who he is, where he's from his achievements and all the other basic and important information.

"Dr. Oliver Jay Beckett a 35-year-old scientist and technology expert. Born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana, married to Laura Lee Beckett, together they had an 8 year old daughter named Olivia Ray Beckett. Beckett is known for his famous observations of the Supernatural World. With only just a Bachelor's in Mythology, a Master's in Microbiology and a Doctorate in Medical Science, he was able to become the man he is today. Beckett's technology skills first started when he was only 10 where he created an app that detects a person's genes and where they come from (their family tree, ancestors, heritage,etc) just by giving your fingerprint. His skills developed more throughout the years up until his senior year of high school. Sadly over 23 years ago there was an accident, causing the death of Beckett's dear wife and daughter then not even a week later Beckett just suddenly disappeared off of the earth. Years have past without a word or knowledge of Dr. Beckett's existence. His family pressumed him dead, they planned a funeral and burial next to his wife and child's grave. To this day no one really knows what happened all those years ago."

'Well now our plans have been completely ruined!' Leo exclaims.

"No that can't be possible, there has to be a way to find him. He has to still be alive; he just has to be."

Dom is in complete denial right now, but he doesn't care, how else will he get the answers that he's looking for, that he needs so he can figure out what to do with his life. So he continues his research through the internet and after about 30 minutes, he clicks on this strange link and all of a suddenly the screen goes completely black then not even a second later a chatroom pops up on the screen.

Dom types in the message bar, "Hello who is this?" Then hits send.

As he waits for the person to reply, he tries to finish up his research for the day but for some odd reason his computer won't allow him to minimize the chat.

"Dominic Kade Torres?" The person types.

"Umm yes who is this?" He immediately sends back.

"Dr. Oliver Beckett."

'Holy shit! You've found him!' Leo cheers.

"How is that possible?" He sends back.

"Eventhough I heavily secured this chatroom, it's not safe to talk about this here. You must come to New Orleans its better to talk in person."

"But how will I know where to find you?"

"Don't worry I'll find you."

Then suddenly the screen went black again and about a second later his recent search appears back on the screen.

'Geez he really does have amazing technology skills.' Leo comments and Dom completely agrees with him. Well it seems that their plan officially commences now.

2 hours Later

Dominic officially has everything in order and he's ready to start his journey to New Orleans. After the very short chat with Dr. Beckett, he continued his research a bit longer. Since Dark Crescent is based near the Yellowstone National Park and the Union Falls in Teton County, Wyoming it will take about 27 hours to reach his destination.

Obviously if he runs, there's about 50-50 chance that he can make it in less than 27 hours or more than. He has packed about everything he could possibly need for this trip he also already has the note for his mom written and ready to leave. But he still hasn't decided if he should run all the way there or not.

"Do you think you can handle it?" Dom asks Leo.

'I strongly think I can.' He replies with confidence.

Alright then, it's a good thing he's packing light, well let's get this show on the road. Finally, after 25 hours later, they arrive to New Orleans. Dom is quite shocked that Leo was able to pull through.

'And I'm quite offended that you think I wouldn't have made it in time.' Leo whines.

"Oh, stop whining...Now I need to find a hotel and I guess wait until Beckett finds us." Dom replies. An hour later he was able to find a modest hotel called "Red Carpet Inn & Suites." Dom heard that there's a free continental breakfast, so he is hoping they still have some leftovers.

'Oh yeah! I'm starving!' Leo cheers.

Just as he was locking the hotel door, someone grabs him from behind and presses a cloth against his mouth, Dom suddenly grows weak after 2 seconds then next thing he sees is complete darkness. A few seconds later he opens his eyes to see that he's back home, near the waterfall. He looks around to see if someone was nearby.

He hears a faint rustle noise to his left; he starts to follow it. The noise is coming from the top of the waterfall. As Dominic gets closer, he sees a familiar figure dancing around the edge.

"Hello?!" He yells. Turns out it was a woman and not just any woman, it was


She smiles, as he steps closer to her, she takes a step back, getting closer and closer to the edge.

"Kat what are you doing?! Get away from there!" He demands.

She turns her back towards Dom and at that moment he knew what would happen next. Suddenly...

He wakes up again but this time it was in a dark room, the only light was shining above where he sits tied to a chair.

"What the hell?!" Dom angrily exclaims.

'It was just a dream?! Where the hell am I?! Leo?!' Dom mentally panics as he can't feel Leo.

"Dominic Torres?" An unfamiliar voice speaks.

"Yes...who are you?" Dom answera, observing the darkness around him as he searches for the stranger who seems to know his name. Soon enough the stranger lurks from the shadows and steps into the only spotlight in the room.

"It's nice to finally meet you Dominic, my name is Oliver, Dr. Oliver Beckett."

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