Chapter 10

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As soon as Dom leaves, Alec goes back to Dom's father's old office to continue his search for the other half of the Blue Moon file.

'Something is just not right.' Alec thinks to himself. He goes to the desk to see if it's in one of the drawers buried under piles of paper. But as he searches, he doesn't know what he did or how, but a secret compartment came out from the side of the desk. Alec looks inside only to find an old journal with papers coming out of it. He opens it to the first page and right inside the cover it reads "Property of D. Torres".

'D. Torres does that mean Daniel Torres as in Dom's father?! Why would he have a journal hidden in a secret compartment in his desk?!' Derek asks, probably feeling just as spooked as Alec is right now. First, he goes to check if anyone is roaming around the halls then he goes back to the desk and opens the journal. He turns to the first page and found the first entry.

October 23, 1993: One month after the birth of my son and the tragic accident in Riley's pack.

Dear Journal,

Well I think it would be best to start from the beginning to explain the massacre that started it all. A few years back instead of finishing my rightful training to be the next Beta of the Dark Crescent Pack, I went back-packing across the U.S. And during that time, I stumbled upon this beautiful lake with a bridge over it near this country club in St. George, Utah.

Right there and then I met the love of my life, my one true love, my mate Riley. Her father, the Alpha of the Snow Canyon Pack owned the country club that was nearby the place we met. He was very hesitant in accepting me as Riley's mate because not only Riley was his daughter, but she is "special".

At first, I never quite understood the behavior of the pack and of my mate. But when the time came, I found out the truth. And then I understood a bit more though the anger blurred up my vision at first seeing as my mate was hiding such a huge secret from me. But I overcame it.

'Hmm I wonder what that huge secret is.......' Derek says out of curiosity. Alec is currently wondering the same thing too as he continues to read the entry to see what more he can find out.

So instead of immediately going back home to tell my father and the rest of the pack about my mate, I stayed in Riley's pack for a bit longer. Long enough to conceive a child, a baby boy.

Chaos struck once Dominic was born, a group of witches started to hunt us for not only Riley's heart but my little boy's too. Those witches destroyed Riley's pack in search of them, but we were able to escape just in time.

On our journey to my pack, we bumped into a group of rogues and tried to escape them. We almost died if it wasn't for the girl. She came out of nowhere with a few wolves and saved us. But there was something strange about her. No little girl should act as cold and ruthless as she did that day. And of course, every favor comes with a price. That girl wanted to take away our little Dominic. He was barely even a year old.

We begged for her not to do it, so she made a deal, to wait until he turned 5. Seeing as we were so desperate, we had no other choice but to agree. But ever since that day I have worked hard to discover her secrets and the secrets of her pack to do whatever I can to stop her from taking my son.

And I will never stop until she finally gives up or until the day I die. All I have is the hope and the strength to keep my little boy with his family.


Daniel Torres.

He flips through the pages then suddenly finds the other half of the Blue Moon file. This half contains the history of the pack and of the Alpha's family. Some parts were highlighted and there are notes jotted around the edges.

"Geez what the hell is going on?! Why does Daniel have all of this?!" Alec asks out loud to himself. The only way to find out is to read more and talk to Riley. Something for sure is going on and it seemed to have started right before Dom was born. And Alec can bet it has to do with Daniel's disappearance too. He skims through the notes on the file and the journal entry which surprisingly enough was the day Daniel "left". But he sees it more as a disappearance or maybe Daniel got killed. Riley should have the answers that Alec is looking for.

December 23, 1996: 3 years and 3 months later

Dear Journal,

It has been three years and I think I have finally found something to stop her. I'm going to travel to New Orleans to meet Dr. Oliver Beckett. He is a human scientist that studies and tests anything that involves the supernatural.

We have briefly communicated over the past year and have possibly found a solution to my problem. I just pray to the Moon Goddess up above to keep my son safe and to end this massacre once and for all. I want Dom to have a normal life.

He doesn't need this chaos or that girl to control him. This all ends today. And I don't care how long it takes, even if I have to spend Christmas and possibly New Years away from my family. I am doing this for them. She will not take our only true happiness in this world, my only heir. Seeing the problems, we have obtained once Dom was born, we decided not to have another child just yet, we want to wait for things to cool down. Though I'm not saying Dom is a burden or a mistake.

He is anything but that. I just want a better life for my current child and future children. Without witches and rogues hunting us down or little girls trying to take them away from their family. But like I said it will all end today.

My little Dom will have a normal life, he deserves it even if I must make some undeniable sacrifices. This is for him and for the love of my life, Riley.


Daniel Torres

Alec has so many questions jumbling in his head, just by reading those journal entries. Like who's this girl Daniel kept mentioning? What's the huge secret about Riley? Why did those witches want Dom and Riley's heart? What's the solution that Daniel was going to find in New Orleans? He needs to get some answers and the only way to find them is by talking with Riley.

'Sleep on it then as soon as you wake up, you can head to Dom's house to talk to his mom.' Derek suggests.

"Good idea." Alec replies. Let's see if he can get some sleep tonight.  

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