Chapter 14

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Alec wakes up in the middle of the night to hear loud banging and a familiar voice shouting his name. He goes to open his bedroom door to find Dom angrily stomping his way inside.

"What the hell are you doing here at 2:00am?!" Alec walks closer to Dom to try and calm him down as Alec himself gets his thoughts together.

"We need to talk! Now!" Dom angrily demands, stomping his way downstairs to the living room. Alec quickly follows him, afraid that he might break something.

"What is going on?!" Rick, the Dark Crescent Delta also known as Head Warrior, walks in like a zombie. But before the Alpha could answer, Dom randomly attacks him.

"Dom! What the hell?! Get off of him!" Alec shouts then two guards that meant to be patrolling the pack house come running in, trying to separate these two idiots in front of him.

Once they finally get separated, Alec orders the two guards to escort Rick back to his room and watch him until Alec can finishs his well needed chat with his furious Beta/best friend. Then again, this fight doesn't necessarily surprise him because for years, Dom and Rick never got along. When Alec became Alpha, Rick was the only one who didn't agree with his decision of making Dom the Beta of this pack, though it was meant to happen even if Alec didn't want it.

Throughout the years they have been able to contain themselves, everyone was waiting for this day to come .But there's something not right, something missing about this fight because Alec has never seen Dom so angry and he surely wouldn't randomly attack someone, especially Rick, for no reason.

"Now that you let out some steam, are you ready to talk? Maybe start with an explanation behind what the hell just happened with Rick." Alpha Alec calmly asks as they both settle down on the nearest couch.

Dom takes a few minutes to calm his wolf. "I couldn't take it anymore Alec." Is all he says once he's calm.

"What? You couldn't take Rick's attitude anymore? Since when?"

"What? No, not Rick. I couldn't stay away from my mate, Kat, any longer. So, I went to see her. But shockingly enough when I get there I find that asshole trying to make a move on her. He was shirtless and she was wearing some lingerie."

Dom responds then takes a deep breath before continuing. "I was so angry, hell I still am. But more than that I've never felt so betrayed. And I was trying so hard to control my anger, but I couldn't hold it in any longer, so I was ready to storm out but she shuts the door before I could leave the room."

"Ok, obviously she tried to stop you to explain. But Dom if we are going to compare let's say, your height and hers, you can easily move her out of the way."

"Yeah but what freaked me out was how she shut the door. And before that she mumbles something in Latin, which made Rick go unconscious. Now that I think about it, I don't even know how the hell he got here before me." Dom gets up from the couch and starts to pace back and forth, which is make Alec's head spin.

He gets up to grip Dom's shoulders firmly to keep him still. "What do you mean how she shut the door?"

'What more could this woman possibly be hiding?'

"I mean that when I was storming out, she lifted her hand and magically shut the door!"

"How is that even possible?!" Alec exclaims.

"Once I calmed down a bit, she explains to me that she's a hybrid, half with and half werewolf. Then out of no where, she comes out and tells me that my mom is a faery and that pretty much means that I'm a hybrid too. So, the first thing I do is go to my mom, looking for answers and she told me everything." Dom rambles while finally sitting down with his head down in defeat.

"Oh thank God, she finally told you everything. I'm sorry, but when you came to me and mentioned Blue Moon I decided to do some research. And when I found their file, half of it was missing. So, I searched in your dad's office and somehow I found this journal Here I'll go get it."

Alec quickly jogs to his office to get the journal from his private safe then jog back down stairs only to see Dom trying to juggle all his thoughts and emotions through his body.

"This belonged to your father and inside he had the other half of the Blue Moon file. Turns out that your lovely mate wanted to take you away from your parents when you were barely 1. But she decided to give you a break and wait until you turned 5, in the mean time your dad was trying to find a way to stop her."

"What do you mean?" Dom interrupts his best friend's rant.

"Umm to weaken her or possibly umm..."

"Kill her?" Dom weakly asks. Alec hesitantly nods then continue explaining what he discovered.

"And he found this scientist by the name for Oliver Beckett in New Orleans. On the way there he supposedly killed, I don't know how or who did it, but I have my suspicions." Alec finishes informing Dom about his recent discovery.

"You mean that you think Katrina killed him." Dominic bluntly states, Alec keeps quiet but it's obvious that what he said is exactly what Alec is thinking.

"So when you went to my house the other day, it was to talk to my mom about this?"

"Yeah and we both made a promise that she was the one that was going to tell you everything." Alec answers.

The young Beta stays quiet for a couple minutes, as his Alpha and best friend patiently waits for him to organize his thoughts.

"Can I keep this?" Dom gestures to the journal.

"Yeah of course." As soon as Alec answers his request, Dom robotically stands up and leaves without saying anything else.

'Hmm that's odd, I didn't expect him to ask so many questions. I thought he said that Ms.Riley told him everything.' Derek comments.

This doesn't feel right.

Alec gets up to make his way to Rick's room, only to find one of the guards pinning his arms to his Beck from behind and the other trying to block the nearest exit.

"What the hell is going on in here?!" Alec shouts frantically.

"We don't know Alpha. One minute, he was sound asleep and the next, he was yelling the name Katrina and tried to escape. But Eric was able to hold him down until you arrived." Dave, the guard that wasn't holding Rick down, explains.

'What the hell did that bitch do to my pack members?'


Casey decides to go downstairs to retrieve a glass of water. But as she walks down the hall, she hears a loud bang coming from Kat's office.

Casey takes a quick detour towards Kat's office. If her hearing is deceiving her, Kat is harshly throwing stuff around the room while cursing in Spanish.

Casey opens the door but quickly ducks down to avoid a vase that was being launched in her direction.

"Kat what the hell are you doing?!" Casey shouts once Kat finally stops throwing things around. Instead of replying, she suddenly crumbles to the floor sobbing.

Casey has never even remotely witness Kat like this before. It's kind of scaring her.

Casey quickly goes to her best friend, wrapping her arms around her. As she rocks her back and forth, she tells her that "everything is ok", though she doesn't know what's wrong.

After a few minutes, Kat finally stops crying and weakly tries to stand up. Casey helps her sit on the nearest chair, then grab a tissue, from the box she always had on her desk, to give it to her.

"Ok now that you've calmed down a bit can you explain to me what happened?" Casey calmly ask, as she pulls a chair in front of her to sit.

"I've ruined everything! Goddess Casey why am I so stupid?!" Katrina yells while covering her face with her hands.

Casey removes Kat's hands from her face to grip them tightly letting her know she needs to elaborate a bit more. Kat takes a deep breath then tightens grip on Casey's hands.

"I was upset that I hadn't heard from Dom in weeks. So, I decided to cast a little spell but it backfired." Kat explains, her voice cracked a bit when she mentions Dom's name.

"What do you mean it backfired?"

"That when I casted the spell somehow someone got in the way and when I called for my Dom the person that came into my room wasn't Dom. As he was about ready to pounce on me, I was trying to figure out what to do and that exact moment Dom enters the room. He saw me in lingerie and the other guy shirtless, which I found out he is the Delta of Dark Crescent and his name is Rick though he's not important, but of course Dom quickly assumed that I was cheating on him. And right when he was going to storm out I slams the door shut."

"Well I know you're fast but he could've easily take you. Dominic is like 6'2" and you are only 5'3"." Casey comments. Of course, Kat narrows her eyes at her Beta but doesn't reply to the comment.

"I magically closed the door." She put emphasis on the word "magically"

"Oh!" Now Casey gets it.

"And how did he react?" Casey curiously asks, it's hard to know when to trust people about things, like being half witch in Katrina's case.

"He was in shock but we were able to talk for a bit and I happened to mention that his mother is a faery, meaning that he's a hybrid too, thinking he knew but he didn't until I told him." Katrina fully explains.

"Wait how do you even know about his mom?"

"Remember what happened when I was 8? That was the first time I found out he was my mate but he was barely even a year old. I'm also very powerful enough to know a lot of things." Kat answers.

"So, what are you going to do now?"

"Find a way to reverse the spell then try to fix things with Dom." Kat seems to have everything planned, let's hope everything goes accordingly.

"Ok but once you reverse this last spell, no more spells or potions." Casey orders.

Kat opens her mouth to object but closes it and doesn't say anything. Casey can only pray to the Moon Goddess high above that everything works out. Kat deserves to be happy after everything that's happened.

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