102. So?

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"D... don't..." you moan against Jungkook's lips; his hand is up your dress, his fingertips brushing at the waistband of your panties, "...ahhh..."

"S... sorry" he murmurs as he pulls away from you a little letting his hand drop to where your hip meets your thigh, "... am I... am I going t...."

"No, no..." you interrupt his thought process, "... just, we, we can't Kook... we can't do this here as much as I want to..."

He sighs.

Jungkook drops his head into the crook of your neck, his warm breath hitting your delicate skin and causing a charade or goosebumps throughout your body; "I hate this..."

"We've, just got to be careful Kook... I, I'll lose my job if..." you daren't say it, daren't voice your nightmare thoughts out loud, "... your career..." your words stick fast in your throat and then you feel him press a soft kiss to your neck.

"Better get going then, don't want them questioning us forever"

He moves away from you and gazes at you, taking in your features; "yeah... I..." You whisper.

"Let's not, just... come on" he sighs tugging at your hand and then straightening up his top, "... hey your..." he points at the hem of your dress and you look down seeing where it was stuck up in your panties; Jungkook leans in, his eyes dark and lustful, "... that's only for my eyes" he whispers close to your ear as you quickly shuffle pulling down your dress and checking you're adequate to leave the cupboard room.

Once back out into the brighter lit corridor the situation you've just been in dawns on you; it's so risky what you do with him and yet you can never stop yourself, you shouldn't have even gone with him down here in the first place!

The dance floor has emptied out slightly but you can still see Jimin and Tae swinging each other around like mad men.

"We've you been?" Jimin giggles as he sees you and Jungkook stood next to each other, not the best of ideas but still.

"Huh?" You ask over the music.

"Where the fuck did you both go? One minute you were there next minute you weren't?"

Jungkook glances at you and smiles before looking back at Jimin, "nowhere... I went to the toilet..."

Jimin looks confused, but he seems to let it drop.

You all dance together for a little longer before Jungkook stops still, "I'm gunna go sit down for a bit..."

Jimin looks at him and then at you, "you'll dance with me right?" He asks you when the others said they were going to play darts because Jin had stumbled across a darts board at the other side of the room.

"I..." Jungkook smiles at you, "... yeah I mean..." you stutter.

"Stay, dance with Jimin he'll spin you round like a insane person" Jungkook giggles light heartedly and then walks away back to the table where Namjoon and Yoongi are still seated.

Jimin grips at your hands gently and giggles you as he spins you round once, twice until you're laughing with him; "so..." he whispers when you fumble into each other, your giggles dying down a little.


"Jungkook?" He blinks.

"Yeah?" God you don't want to have this conversation.

"It's nice to see him really get on with an assistant, you must be really... different"

You smile shyly as you and Jimin sway together on the dance floor; "I... yeah I guess"

"I know you get on well with him Y/N... I, I'm not crazy right? You, you get on with him"

"I get on with you all..." you stutter.

"No I mean, I see it, it's okay... I know you're close to him... I want you to know I, I would never do anything to hurt you, I... everything is fine with me..."

You blink confused, "I know you wouldn't hurt me, Jimin what could you do that would hurt me?" As you say it you imagine him going to Sung Jin and telling him of his suspicions of you and Jungkook.

"Nothing... I just wanted you to know I like you and I'm you're friend" Jimin smiles, "come on... dance..."

Jungkook keeps glaring at you dancing with Jimin across the room, "what you looking at?" Yoongi knocks Jungkook's elbow trying to follow where his eyes are focused.

"Nothing... just, people dancing" Jungkook answers blankly.

"So, what's with you and Y/N?" Yoongi asks.

"What do you mean?"

"Before when she wouldn't go dance without you? You get on with her really well don't you?"

Jungkook stares at Yoongi, "yeah I guess, she... yeah she's really easy to get along with" he flickers his eyes back at you over on the dance floor breathing a sigh of some sort of relief when he sees you and Jimin heading back to the table.

"We're back!" Jimin calls as he throws himself down in the chair next to Namjoon.

"You had fun?" Jungkook asks as you take the seat right next to him, not failing to notice how you shuffle the chair a little closer to him.

"Yeah, you were right Jimin could've spun me round until I dropped." You once again through all caution to the wind and drop your head weakly onto Jungkook's shoulder and you feel him tense up a little; "I'm exhausted" you giggle and then sit back up as Namjoon and Yoongi eye you.

"Drinks?" Namjoon asks beckoning Yoongi up to go fetch some drinks with him.

Jimin is scrolling through his phone when Jungkook grips your hand under the table, making you look at him; "I've got a present for you" he whispers.

Your eyes go wide, "you have?"


Your cheeks blush and it only reminds you of what awaits later anyway.

Plus, you have a present for Jungkook too.

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