49. Mood

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"Oh he's back, the dirty stop out!"

Jungkook rolls his eyes at the sarcastic tone of Tae's voice, he slams the door closed behind him, still annoyed that you brought him back to the shared dorm rather than allow him to go to work with you.

"So?" Tae teased wandering up to Jungkook near the door.

"So what?!" Jungkook said with a snarl as he shoulder charged his friend and fellow band mate out of his way.

"Okay, chill! I'm joking, someone's got up in a mood" Tae snapped just as quick and watched Jungkook basically ignore his comment and go into the kitchen grabbing a glass of orange juice.

"Want some cereal?" Yoongi sighed giving a quick look to Jungkook who was now leaning on the counter top.

"No thanks, I've had breakfast" Jungkook suppressed the smile he could feel as he thought about the pancakes you'd cooked and shared with him.

"Oh wow okay... so, Yugs has started cooking for you now?"

Jungkook smirked at Yoongi's off hand comment about his friend but just ignored it; "nah, I just grabbed some cereal from his cupboard, no big deal"

Jungkook finished his glass of orange and trudged away to his room, almost literally throwing himself onto his bed when he got inside.


Jungkook sat up glancing at the voice's owner stood at his bedroom door, peaking inside.

"Hum?" Jungkook nodded his head at Jimin acknowledging him and welcoming him into his room.

Jungkook watched as Jimin wandered over and sat down on the bed next to him.

"Are you alright?"

Jungkook glanced around the room wondering whether this was some sort of joke; "yeah, why?"

"I just... I dunno, Tae just said you seemed in a mood" Jimin shrugged his shoulders and gave Jungkook a small but concerned smile.

"I'm fine"

"How's Yugyeom? You spend a lot of time with him recently, is he okay?" Jimin is questioning his friend, he wants to know the truth behind where Jungkook goes and why he goes to wherever it is but he doesn't want to fall out with his band mate in the process, however Jimin still has his own assumptions as to where Jungkook spends his time.

"He's fine too, we're all fine" Jungkook's response is a little snappy and Jimin knows something's off with him.

"So what do you guys do?"

"Play video games! Like always, we just... we started a new tournament thing and we just get carried away! Why what is this the twenty questions game?"

Jimin looks at his friend, "you know it's okay... you can tell me stuff, I won't tell the others or anyone, if you ever want to talk"

Jungkook looks at him confused; "tell you what? I just said, I play fucking video games with my best friend what the fuck is there to tell?!"

"Jungkook!" Jimin raises his voice and alters his tone, sick of his friends attitude.

"Sorry... I'm sorry" Jungkook stutters realising how he's being, looking up and finally making eye contact with Jimin.

"It's okay, I just... you've been at your friends all the time and I just wondered if everything was okay, I wanted you to know you can always talk to me, about anything." Jimin smiled at Jungkook and waited for a response.

"Thanks Jimin, I... I'm fine I promise, me and Yugs have just been gaming recently it's nothing exciting" Jungkook shrugged his shoulders.

"You sure?"


There's a silence for a moment; "I... I made a promise to Y/N... so..."

Jimin snaps his head round quick, "huh?"

"I wanted to keep my promise to Y/N, we... she made me promise I won't keep overworking myself, in the gym as extra and stuff... so, if I distract myself with games, I don't break the promise to her..." Jungkook just gives his shoulders a small shrug.

Jimin waited, he stayed sat next to Jungkook waiting, waiting for him to say more but when nothing came, he took a deep breath; "Kook?"


"Don't get mad... but... you, you seem like you get along well with Y/N, I'm glad to see you finally have someone making you think more of yourself, or... stop you over working at least."

"I... yeah, whatever... why would I get mad? I guess I get on with her quite well, we've wanted a good assistant for ages, maybe we finally got one" there was a smile to Jungkook's mouth, Jimin could see it, but he ignored it.

"You think she... she's... Jungkook don't forget she's an assistant, that's what I'm trying to say I guess." Again Jimin gives Jungkook a small smile.

Jungkook took a breath, instead of getting angry with Jimin again he just gave him a sharp smile; "yeah thanks, I know that"

"Yeah but..."

"Jimin, it's okay! I know what you're saying, it's cool, she's the assistant, she's cool with us"

Both of them just smiled and nodded, Jimin had tried enough for today, but he was convinced that Jungkook is hiding something; that something being a relationship with Y/N.

"Come on, let's go to work" Jimin jumps up from the bed and then drags Jungkook up; Jungkook just following him down the corridor.

"Tae!" Jungkook saw Tae wandering his room but he ignored Jungkook's call.

"Tae Stop!" Jungkook grabbed hold of Tae's wrist and pulled him towards him, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be moody earlier... I, sorry" Jungkook stopped himself from even trying to give an explanation.

"Okay" Tae yanked his wrist from Jungkook's hold.


"Suppose so, anyway, did you win the game you were playing with Yug?"

Jungkook swallowed hard, he actually hates that he's lying to his friends and band mates, it's now hitting him how lies get deeper with each one; too late now though.

"Yeah... erh yeah of course I did, what do you think I am" he giggled and walked with Tae to collect his bag and join the rest of the guys to go to the company building.

When everyone else was busy putting their shoes on Jungkook quickly sent a text to his friend.

'Yugs! Thanks for covering for me!!! Keep up the good work, I'll always have your back too!'

He slipped his phone into his back pocket and left the dorm with everyone else.

The car ride was quiet and they seemed to get to the company building rather quickly, as soon as he hopped out the car he felt his phone vibrate.

'No probs Kook! Although... I'm intrigued to find out where you were, or should I say, who with? We need a catch up!!!'

Jungkook smirked and never replied to the text, he knew his friend would be curious, but if he told him, could he trust him really.

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