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Stella got out the car and carried her luggage up to the apartment as she opened the door she heard some strange noise inside of the apartment.

"Isn't it suppose to be empty?" She asked herself going inside confused with her luggage and seeing a guy banging someone on the couch her face was completely shocked.

An hour later.
"I thought you said I'd be the only one living at this apartment." Stella said to the building owner.

The building owner smiled a bit. "About that there had been a change because this guy offered a more valuable offer in price..however there's enough room maybe you can share the apartment.."

"Like what...roommates? Look I don't wanna be walking into my own apartment every time and see this guy banging a new woman every week that is out of the question this is suppose to be my apartment."

Elliot scoffed "well I was here first so therefore technically it is my apartment look the building owner is giving you a fair deal you either be roommates with me or get out."

Stella rolled her eyes "i paid with my own money to live here are you kidding me?"

"suck it up spoiled brat and welcome to the real world."

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