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Stella worked all night at 24 hour opened diner with Fiona always serving food and drinks as her job and in the morning  time she took her college classes which was mostly English course.

She was still figuring out her life and didn't really know what she was going to do for a living all she did really was work the diner and take classes and it went on like this for awhile.

"Fiona I have to speak to you about a few things." Stella said to Fiona. "What's up? Is everything okay?" She sighed. "No not really just got a notice from the office that I have to pay for another year to stay at the college because my grades aren't good enough.."

"That's the thing I can't afford another year here because I barely have any money left. I mean I barely get the minimum wage at the diner I'm not gonna be able to continue college..I have to stop coming.."

Fiona sighed. "I'm sorry girl you know I'd help you out If I had the money but you know I barely have any for myself to take one more year because I've saved up for awhile.." Fiona said.

Stella smiled a bit. "To be honest I'm perfectly okay with just finishing off this year and going back know? Like I'm at least glad I got to spend a whole year with's enough for me." She said.

Fiona laughs. "Yeah time flies so fast you hardly even notice its almost the ending of the year what are you planning for the New Christmas and the new Years?"

"Don't really wanna think about it right now I mean we literally get to spend Halloween together it's one time of the year we get to dress up slutty without exception or people judging us for wearing slutty things." Stella smirked laughing.

Fiona giggled "girl you're so silly but you're right girl..I miss my baby doll too. I'm gonna call later to see how my baby is doing." She said smiling. "I can't wait for the ending of the year when we go for break i need my baby girl." Fiona said.

"I know how you must feel to have to be away from you're baby for awhile." Fiona sighed. "Girl It's a good and a bad thing she always keeps me up but at the end of the day she's my kid and you know I miss her a lot."

After speaking for a bit they finished up their shift at the diner.

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