Twenty three.

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"Where are you going Fiona..."

Fiona sighed and looked back at her. "Away from you. Maybe you should go home cause this party isn't for you."

"You just aren't a party person and you don't like to socialize you're not like me. I'm a bad influence for you maybe you're better off alone your mom hates me right? So it's better without me around."

She sighed "so you heard the whole conversation on the phone are you mad at me or something like come on Fiona you know my mom is always like this."

"Yeah but you don't even stick up for me...even talking to your mom like I know how you feel about me right now." Fiona said.

Stella put a hand on her forehead. "What are you even talking about? Yo when we was in that car and you're friend was talking badly about me calling me boring and shit you didn't stand up for me either you barely said a word so don't be a hypocrite!"

"A what?" Fiona said rolling her eyes. "You heard talk about me not sticking up for you but you didn't stick up for me either and you was doing it right in front of my face don't be acting all innocent like a victim."

Fiona rolled her eyes. "What the fuck? I've been through so much I have been a victim. A victim for so many years a victim of rape. You know this.."

She sighed. "It doesn't mean you have to be a bitch okay? Everybody goes through shit. People always go through stuff in their life it doesn't mean they gotta have an attitude towards somebody and make it all about them cause at the end of the day life is not fair shit will always happen alright?"

"Bruh I'm so done with you. You can spend your time being lonely like you always were even in high school if you didn't meet me you wouldn't have had anyone you would've grew up being a loner..and now you'll just have to be all alone." Fiona said walking away.

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