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This is just going to be a copy-paste of what I posted on my profile because I'm too lazy to type something else out. Thank fuck I can insert pictures here though. 

Ok so no one gives a shit but I don't have anything to do at all so here is all of my deep, passionate, red-hot furious hatred of the cat emojis. Whoever thought that these were a good idea should be put in a mental institution along with the inventor of boxed ice cream, but that's a whole other rant that I don't want to get into right now. The cat emojis, are in fact, one of humanities worst creations, on par with only Kuroshitsuji season 2 and as I mentioned previously, boxed ice cream. Now, you may be asking, why does he hate the cat emojis so much? Well, lets look over every cat emoji and see why all of them deserve to burn in the pits of hell for all eternity.

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