Chapter 3

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Gally got down on one knee. "Hop on" he said pushing me upwards and out of the box. Everyone gave a weak smile as I looked around.

I was on a field surrounded by tall, grey walls. There were small wooden cabins scattered around and trees growing out of the grass.

I looked down at myself, I was wearing a pair of thick, dark brown walking boots, a pair of green walking trousers, a long sleeved black top and a compass around my neck. My hair was dirty blonde, messy and blowing in the wind.

The atmosphere was warm and the breeze was cool.

A short boy with brown curly hair walked up to me "You're the greenie now" he said. "Well that's what we'll call you until you remember your name."

"Where am I ?" I gasped. "Where am I from, what am I doing here ?"

"We don't know" he said. "Thomas is better at explaining than me" he said. "I'll go and get him."

A tall boy with dark brown hair walked over to me. "I'm Thomas" he said proudly. "You must be the new girl."

We sat down on a log and talked for a while. He explained to me what was happening, what the walls were for and what was inside of them. He told me how he had been there for two months now but some had been there for years. He told me about Teresa, the grievers and what happened if one stung you. I was shocked. I couldn't believe it.

"How long has Gally been here" I asked curiously.

"Three years" he replied.

My heart sank into my stomach.

"Why did you ask about Gally anyway?" He questioned.

"Erm just curious I guess" I returned.

His face lit up and started to smile. "He's single in case you're wandering, talk to him tonight I'm sure he would be happy to get to know you."

I was thankful for Thomas, he was nice. He got up and smiled back at me before walking away to leave me with my thoughts.

Gally and meWhere stories live. Discover now