Chapter 25

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Sadiq's Pov

The sequins of stars and the waning crescent moon peeled through the oval window of the plane as my head came in contact with the headrest.

Everything happened so fast I had no time to process it all.

My mind was a continent away, a little to far but distance already broke us.

" You've been so quiet I might just assume you're dead," a guy with faded ginger locs and a nose piercing murmured beside me, making an irritated sigh rippled through my features.

The last thing I needed was company.

" I don't talk to strangers," I lied through my teeth as he burst into a fit of laughter.

" Guy try de scam with sense( try to lie sensibly). Don't hit me with that bull," he protested with an emphasize shrug and a ghost smile on his face.

That was such a transparent lie but my expression gave nothing away.

" Don't you talk to people you don't know on instagram and snapchat?" He pressed on with his eyebrow raised in question but I didn't respond.

Couldn't he take the hint and leave me alone?

"Whatever!" He breathed out with his hands folded on his chest as he collapsed into the chair.

Finally some peace and quiet.

" But that girl over there has been looking at you like you're hot eba," he informed me as I stiffed a bubbling chuckle and turned to the direction he spoke about.

It's not only hot eba.

True to his words a girl with light purple braids that swept her seat clean was oogling me and running her teeth on her bottom lip seductively.

Whoever told girls that it made them look sexy scammed hard!

" The fuck!" I let out as her eyes widened in shock and embarrassment while he covered his mouth and a deep chortle resounded the plane.

" See the way you curve that chick and she fine die," he lamented flicking the tears that dangled on his eyelids with glee.

" She's not my type," I muttered turning on my phone as he looked at the girl through heavy eye bags.

" How please? She's thick in the right places and beautiful, so fucking pretty," he replied dreamily at her before she eyed him agressively and a loud hiss tore his gaze away.

"Go and shoot your shot before this plane lands o," I joked as he ran his fingers through his dreads in agitation.

" So you're going to pretend you didn't see that? She looks like she'll straight up bounce me," He mumble gesturing to the girl which made me shake my head at how fast he concluded the situation.

" Don't judge a book by its cover," I replied while scrolling through instagram.

" Na so," he answered with a smug smile before he rubbed his palms and attempted to walk up to her.

He stalled for some minutes before rocking on his heels in a backward- forward motion.

" Go now!" I urged as he fell into his seat with a thud and a menacing glare stretching his forehead.

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