chapter 4

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I couldn't wrap my head around anything.

Was Abba arranging a marriage for me?

I stared at my eyes on the rear view mirror and shuddered at how blood shot they had become with unshed tears.

''I'm sure classes have started,'' Hauwa lamented, anger evident in her eyes as she jumped out of the Lexus and slammed the door shut.

''Don't break the door o,'' Mr.daud mumbled as I stiffed a giggle.

''Si anjuma uncle'' I waved as I closed the door gently.

I didn't take up to five steps when I saw Mr. Suleiman our principal glaring at me and just on cue I walked in long brisk strides to where he stood.

''Good morning sir,'' I greeted as politely as possible.

''Yasmine Rahman, we can't tolerate tardiness from the head girl and by this time,'' he replied with with an evil twirl of the whip that hung loosely on his shoulders.

See me see this yeye man.

''Yes sir'' I answered, mustering all the courage I had while ignoring the the taunting look of the whip.

''What's the...'' he continued before I interrupted him.

''Sir I have no excuse and it will never happen again,'' I rushed out gasping for air as he looked at me deciding my fate.

''Rush to class now,'' he commanded as my legs took over and I sprinted like my life depended on it.

cause it did.

Come to think of it.

where was Hauwa?

I tried to steady my breathing as I arrived my class door and pushed it open but it slammed against the wall, making everyone's eyes turned towards the commotion.


Sadiq's POV

"The oxidation number of MnO⁴ is what? If you can't tell me you'll write a test now," The chemistry teacher fumed as the class erupted in grunts of frustration and annoyance when the door slammed open.

who was this saviour?

I wasn't a science student.

chemistry kini what?

But for her I was ready to stick around.

All eyes turned to see Yasmine's heaving chest, her skin shone with perspiration and her pupils glowed from exercise.

''Sir it's +6 when it's at the state of normalcy and +5 when it's an ion,'' she blurted out as the teacher gaped at her and the class exploded with remarks.

"Aspa smartest"

"Head girl her self"

"She wasn't even in class guy"

"Naso she smart reach"

A smiled slowly formed on her lips as the class hyped her.

''Omo you're my hero,'' Shahd cheered with a toothy grin as Yasmine's face flared up.

Her eyes darted across the room looking for someone, until it landed on me and she smiled.

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