No Rednecks in New York

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At an outdoor table of a gas station diner two women sit across from each other, reading the classified section of a newspaper while eating French fries. Of the two women, one has long blonde hair and blue eyes, across from her the other woman has light brown to reddish hair and chocolate brown eyes.

The blonde, is more invested in the newspaper than her friend, pointing at an article before finishing the fry in her mouth.

"there's a place in Tribeca for 3000" the other woman, Carly, looks at her with defeat

"Paige, that's still too expensive. The money I've saved up won't cover two months rent. I'm gonna have to work every second I'm not in class until graduation" Carly sighed.

"Carly don't even think about not going" Paige responds hoping to convince her friend to go, it was Carly's dream, and this was an opportunity she couldn't afford to pass up.

"I'm not" she lied, truthfully, she was thinking of ignoring the internship all together. With the cost of school and an apartment she wouldn't be able to handle it. Plus, she didn't want to go alone, and the current issue with Sam only made her resolve to stay stronger.

"good. Because you know how proud I am of you. Besides if you can convince a certain someone to go... then you won't have to worry about working" Paige hinted.

"it's just an internship... and she deserves to have her dream too" Carly finished sadly

"an internship at instyle magazine" Paige interrupted, her enthusiasm was contagious, and Carly began to cheer up a little.

"this is a once in a lifetime offer, Carly... or would you rather stay at the waffle house as a waitress forever?" Paige joked looking her best friend in the eye.

"no. god. No..." Carly laughed

Rounding the corned of the building two more young adults appear, a woman who is rather tall about 5'8, with brown hair, blue eyes and an athletic build. She is wearing skinny jeans, grey tennis shoes and a greyish hoodie. Next to her is a young man about 21, he too has dark hair, but dark eyes as well. But unlike the young woman he appears more like a 'country boy', despite his longer hair he has jeans, boots a button up shirt that is slightly too big and a tan jacket.

The two were laughing and joking away as the man, Wade explained his hold up in the bathroom. As they approached the table all conversation of New York faded away. The woman, Sam, sits down next to Carly her hand grazing the small of Carly's back. Wade sits in on the bench in between Sam and Paige, an envious look in his eyes as he catches the placement of Sam's hand.

"Hey, Babe" Sam said as she sat down, she had a small smile on her face as she greeted Paige as well.

"Hi" Carly responds before place a kiss on the woman's cheek, Wade looks away from the interaction while Paige looks on with awe, it wasn't usual for the couple to show such displays of affection in public. While some places were very open to homosexuality the south was not there yet. The two would act as a normal couple in private when a random passersby couldn't see, and all acts usually balanced on the close friend side.

"sorry, we took so long apparently there were these two drunk rednecks fightin' in the bathroom" Sam chuckles as she throws Wade an amused look

"wrestlin', I said wrestling and they were right in front of the door" he corrected, "it was like 2 dogs fightin' over a bone, thought they were gonna drag me into it as well" Wade continued, rousing a laugh from his friend.

"really?" Carly asked as her girlfriend turned back to face her with an amused look.

"there's no rednecks in New York" Paige interrupted hopefully, there also wasn't many homophobes in New York either or rather there were more open homosexual couples, but Paige left that unsaid.

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