It's probably a serial killer

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The group continued as it was, Sam then joined Paige and Carly on the ground with her ball next to her. She watched the guys as they played football, well as Wade and Blake did. Nick still sat outside of the group and Dalton had picked his camera up again and began filming.

Just as Blake got ready to throw the ball the wind picked up, blowing directly at the campsite.

"woah, what's that smell" he asked as he got a whiff of it.

"oh, my god" Paige moaned as she covered her nose, Sam grimaced before doing the same. Wade walked over to the girls and reached out for the flashlight.

"Dalton, did you crap your pants again" Nick yelled, Dalton deciding to joke around responded

"huh, nah" he then proceeded to smell his clothes "I don't know maybe. I am wearing my work clothes" he joked. Sam had gotten up with Wade and began looking out into the woods to see if they could spot anything.

"somethings dead out there" Wade said quietly covering his nose as another gust of wind blew. Carly walked up to Sam an put her face in the crook of her shoulder as they continued to search for the smell.

"no somethings dead here, we need to drink it back to life. Bless me dog" Blake said as he caught the beer Nick threw him. Sam chuckled and led Carly back to the group. The all began taking a few drinks though the women taking the least. Sam and Wade had gone into the woods a grabbed enough wood to get a fire going. While they were starting the fire, Dalton went around the group with his camera filming everyone.

He settled on Blake and Paige who were sitting peacefully .

"you guys gonna do it tonight?" he asked

"screw off?" Paige laughed out

"stop" Blake said as he began to shake the can up.

"what? Come on you know you want it?" Dalton replied not paying attention to Blake. Blake opened the beer and sprayed it on Dalton who jumped back protecting the camera.

"come on man. You don't gotta spray it at me dude" the girls laughed. "god, dude" he said as he sat down across from Carly who was currently sitting on the ground in between Sam's legs. Sam had one hand behind her holding her up while the other was resting gently on Carly's hip.

Dalton zoomed the camera in on Carly and continued to film her.

"Dalton what did I say?"

"all right, my bad, my bad. Sorry" he replied as he lowered the camera, Carly however decided it was Dalton's turn to be on film as she leapt up and chased after him. Sam and Wade laughed as she went after him.

"what? No, it's off—"

"you're killing me with this thing... give me that-" Carly managed to grab the camera from Dalton and turned it against him.

"-oh, and the tables turn"

"no,no,no. come on. Don't" Dalton protested he began trying to escape and hid in one of the tents, however the tent he chose was Blake and Paige's.

"look how cute you are on camera, though. You look good" Carly turned towards Paige

"I think we might have to do a little makeover" she joked as Paige followed her. The two girls had joined Dalton in the tent where they proceeded to give him a makeover. The others continued to drink and gaze at the fire. Sam was looking at the stars and discussing the constellations with Wade like they used to do as kids.

Nick was sitting on his own as well using the lighter on the beer bottle when Blake skootched over towards him.

"so, why'd you steal that car anyway? I mean, you didn't need to do that. Get that rush huh?" Blake asked it was clear he was a little more that tipsy as he took another drink. Nick's face showed how much he didn't want to speak about the stolen car but instead of blowing up he just brushed it off.

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