Creepy Rednecks aren't so bad

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The sun was not the one that woke the group up, in fact they had slept until the sun was high in the sky. Blake had woken up first, opening the door to his tent he looked around noticing that he was the only one up. He looked down at his watch.

"ah damn it" he mumbled before yelling out at the group "hey its 2:30 get up" he stumbled out of the tent pulling his pants on and stalking over to the other tent

"let's go guys get up" he shook the tent that the boys were in " We're gonna miss the damn game" he reached down and grabbed the football from last night and launched it at the boy's tent before kicking the soccer ball at Sam's

"get up!" he yelled at the group.

Sam was the first one aroused by the loudmouth of Blake. She pulled Carly closer to her before planting a kiss on her clothed shoulder.

"come on babe" she threw the blanket off of herself before getting up. Carly tuned over and watched as Sam replaced her tank top with another, not before noticing the dark marks on Sam's skin.

"ah- laugh now, but wait till I get you, all to myself" Sam said seductively as Carly bit her lip, for a moment she wondered what it would be like to avoid the game and keep Sam to herself.

As Sam pulled a pair of grey joggers on over her shorts, Carly roused, grabbing her jeans and replacing the hoodie with a lighter long sleeve shirt. Sam also opted for a top layer, a grey quarter zip that matched her pants. As soon as Sam got her shoes on, she began packing the interior of the tent up.

Carly had taken Sam's keys and got the sleeping bags and clothes to the car before going into the woods for her morning routine. Sam finished packing the tent up before brushing her teeth and assisting Wade in gathering the rest of the equipment.

"dude you seen my camera anywhere?" Dalton asked Blake who responded with a head shake. He then asked Wade, Nick, and Sam as they got closer to the cars.

"Like I give a shit about your camera" Nick responded, and Wade just shook his head. Sam sat in the driver's seat and was preparing to start the car when she spotted Wade. Dalton then asked Wade the same question, but Wade just shook his head no and ignored the man.

"Sorry, Dalton I haven't seen it" she replied politely to the man when he asked her the same question, he had asked everyone else.

"man" he whined, Sam felt a little bad for him, despite how much she wanted to get rid of the camera last night.

Meanwhile Paige and Carly had wondered off into the woods to do their morning routine, Paige who had finished was waiting for Carly.

"So, you and Sam talk some more?" she asked

"yeah we did a little last night, she said she wanted me to go"

"but she didn't give you an answer if she was going to come with you?"

"not yet, she said she will have her decision by the end of the week. " Carly answered as she zipped her jeans up.

"is that all you two did last night?" Paige joked

"oh god, where you up?" Carly asked slightly worried that someone had heard them, they tried to be quiet, but somethings were hard to control and Sam wasn't necessarily the quietest.

"you just confirmed it, but no I wasn't up. You left a nice mark, or should I say marks, on Sam's neck" Paige laughed earning a chuckle from Carly, whose face was red as a tomato. The wind blew for a moment bringing a new smell into the area.

"Oh my god, there's that smell again" Paige moaned as she covered her face trying to avoid the smell.

"I think it's coming from over here" Carly said as she began following the smell.

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