No more small towns

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"He said he had a brother, right?" Nick asked as the three walked up an alley way keeping close eye on each other and making sure Bo didn't appear out of thin air.

" Yeah." Carly responded

"Vincent." Nick sneered

"At the house of wax, he did all the sculptures. He's gotta be the one that does the wax." Sam injected as she slowly trailed behind the other two.

"What if he's around here somewhere?" Carly asked

"Yeah" Nick agreed as they reached the street.

"Nick, what are you doing?" Sam asked as Nick strutted towards a hunting goods store. She was having a hard time keeping up, her mind kept going blank, but she was almost positive that they were getting her cell phone not wandering.

"You gotta be careful." Carly said quietly

"I am being careful." He answered determinedly. Nick went to open the door but like the door at the store it was locked. Turning back, he eyed the glass as he prepared to throw the wrench.

"No, no, no. It'll make too much noise." Carly rushed out grabbing Nicks arm, Sam sat back watching the two clutching her hand, the bleeding had slowed but it was still evident as small trails went down her hand.

Thankfully, her lips stopped bleeding, she couldn't determine how much blood had been spit out nor how much had leaked from her finger. But her adrenaline was wearing allowing exhaustion to take over. Sam was dead on her feet, she knew she was only slowing the group down, but not once had either considered leaving her behind for which she was grateful.

"Why do you have to be so damn stubborn? He will find us." Carly stressed taking a glance back at Sam, making sure she was still standing.

"Yeah, chances are he will anyway. At least with this, he might not wanna find us." Nick finished as he launched the wrench through the window shattering the glass. Nick climbed through the window and grabbed the crossbow out of the man's hand.

"That's about right." Nick mumbled as he examined the crossbow in his hands. Before looking behind the sculptures. Sam and Carly looked around trying to keep an eye out for Bo or his brother when a gun shot rang out shattering the glass in the door.

"Go, Run!" Nick called as they began running down the street. Sam was behind everyone else and didn't quite avoid the second shot that Bo fired. The bullet only grazed her shoulder, but with the new need to survive she hadn't felt it, that or she was already in enough pain this new injury didn't faze her.

The three ran into the movie theater, Sam being pulled along by Carly. they managed to find their way into one of the viewing rooms. With the lights out and a movie playing they had an easier time hiding.

Unfortunately, with Sam's new injury she had left a blood trail, leading Bo straight to them. Nick hid behind a curtain and the two girls took a seat in one of the rows.

"I know you're in here." Bo said as he walked down the aisle counting the heads as he went. He made it to the front before turning around and looking directly at Sam.

"Nick!" she and Carly called out as Bo aimed the shotgun at them, the two managed to duck just in time, with Carly pulling Sam down with her, as the bullet shattered the head of the figure behind them. Nick appeared out from behind the curtain and shot an arrow through Bo's arm, temporarily distracting him.

Carly pulled Sam with her as she followed Nick back into the lobby, Nick stood waiting for Bo while Sam and Carly hid down behind the counter. The moment Bo came out of the room he smirked when he saw Nick, but that smirk was soon wiped off his face as Nick shot him directly in the chest.

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