Chapter 6

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You snuck out of the bunker and looked around the land of your nation. Everything was destroyed, smoke from the explosion lingered within the air. Everything was gone. Except for the walls and your passion to revive and claim back this land.

Quickly you headed over to the broken van, making sure no one else was nearby. You got inside and began looking within the broken up chest for any bits of armor or weapons that you could use in your final stand down.

Your only found leather boots, an iron helmet, and a nearly broken iron sword. This wasn't looking good for you, but to you. You believed it would be enough.

Just before you closed the chest you noticed the last four bits of iron left. You immediately began thinking what if it could be in use for you. And then you found out. Without hesitation you grabbed the iron and got some wood for yourself. You were going to make yourself ba shield. Something to protect you within battle. Something to somewhat make it up for your lack of protection.

You quickly made a crafting table before making the shield that would protect you within battle.

Taking the shield and taking out a sword you then marched your way out of L'manberg. You weren't regretting your decision. Even though you knew you were practically knocking on death's door. You were ready for your fate.

It didn't take long to find the man you were looking for. There he was. Dream.

You watched him as he seemed to be along this time. You then planned your strike of attack as you climbed up a tree. You followed him until you were in position to strike.

Without wasting another moment you jumped from the tree with your sword in motion. He didn't seemed to notice your presence until you successfully hit him with your sword.

A yell out of pain left him, but it didn't take him long to get you off him. You watched as he quickly backed away before drawing out his own sword.

"You traitors... You think you can have your own independence? Look at you. You're practically defenseless-"

You cut him short as you ran and swung your sword at him. He swung back as you just nearly dodged his blade.

You both went back and forth, taking a swung after each other. That was until your clashing had met up. This is where you both fought over strength and for the high ground.

You could feel his hatred coming off of him as he growled and barred his teeth. You put all your strength into this as you glared at the man before you.

"Well at least I'm fighting for my great nation! At least I have the fucking guts to come out here and face you like a man you monster!"

You yelled back at him, and it wasn't too long before he heard the cries of his friends.


"No! Back off! This fight is mine!"

He yelled before quickly pulling away and kicking you away from him.

You coughed from the sudden lost of air the kick gave you, but you quickly regained yourself. No matter what happened you weren't going to stop. Not over anything.

You ran at him but then quickly held up your shield as Dream striked. You pushed him off with ease and went strike at him. But out of nowhere he took out a knife as slashed it at you.

You quickly backed away before you felt something warm run down your cheek. You touch your cheek and looked to your hand to see blood.

Your shrugged it off as you looked over to Dream with a glare.

"You're such a lying cheater Dream! I'm not surprised."

"All if fair in war little one. You just wouldn't understand."

He taunted as this only made you more pissed.

You let out a war cry as you charged at him and swung your sword at him.

But instead of fighting back, Dream continued to dodge your attacks as he started to tease and taunt you.

You were completely distracted with Dream, you didn't realize the two men sneaking up on you.

Just as you were about to land a bit on Dream it was then you felt the two swords you didn't see. You felt it's blade cut you and drawing blood as you felt to the ground.

You were kicked to make you lay on your back as you saw Dream's men with their swords on you. If you were to make a move it was the end.

You looked up to the sky to see birds flying high. It made you think of him. Your father. You didn't care about the other men here.

You raised your hand too the sky, reaching out to the birds with a faint smile upon your lips.

You felt as peace as your blood began to decorate the grass with red. You breathing softened as you couldn't hear anyone right now. Your gaze upon the blue sky with a soft bits of white here and there.

"You did good Y/n... You did good..."

You told yourself, knowing this was the end of the road for you. But before you knew it you felt something drip into your mouth.

Your vision came back to see a man with a white strip of cloth wrapped around his head.

He backed away as you took notice of the healing potion he held within his hand.

"You only have them a drip correct?"

"Yes only a drip."

"Good now let's-"


You could hear their talking.

"Wilbur said he'd like to talk to you about the surrender of L'manberg."

"Really? Well then, that's fine by me. Take them with us. I want them to witness the end if their so called great land."

Dream said as you can feel yourself being picked up. You didn't bother seeing who it was as all you could think about is what you heard.

Was this it? Was this really it? The end of L'manberg?

You could feel your heart sink as you hung your head low. You were grateful to have fought and been apart of L'manberg. It was just a shame it had to go already.

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