Character Information

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Name: Y/N Kastro.

Age: 23 and a half.

Physical Description: Light hair, e/c eyes, wears a special jacket with neverending pockets (which stores her marbles).

Family: Mother and Father died when she was 5, her brother; Kastro was 11-12 years, and he took care of her until she went to the hunter exam.

Nen Type: Manipulator.

Nen Ability: Oxygen Manipulation.

Telekinesis - She can lift people and objects/things up and move them around.

Downfall - None.

Shields - She can create invisible shields around her body; sometimes she can put up a shield around other people/objects but she feels claustrophobic faster while doing so.

Downfall - She feels claustrophobic and passes out after using it for a long time.

Flying - She can fly.

Downfall - She is slightly scared of heights because of a past event.

Pressure - This is her special ability and takes a lot of her energy and concentration, she can pressurize the oxygen molecules around people's bodies/body parts. This can be used to explode people, squish them or cut off their circulation; is really dangerous and nothing can stop it.

Downfall - She can not control it, is triggered by her emotions (sad, angry, mad etc.).

Weaknesses - Can only use one power at a time and if she uses more than one at the same time, she won't be able to use her nen for a couple of hours depending on how many powers she uses at a time.

Weapon(s): She has a katana (a Japanese sword); can control it very well. She also controls nen marbles with her telekinesis and can use them like bullets.

Skills: She is an assassin-like fighter and very good at using Zetsu without even trying.

Content Warning - Moderate language, mild use of substances and moderate violence. 

If there is any smut/lemon, there will be warnings at the beginning of those chapters.

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