Chapter II --> Phase Two of the Hunter Exam

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      I ran; shooting through the sewer like a bullet. The damp air whipped through my hair like Angel's belt. But I am faster now; stronger, no longer a limp doll to be tossed and crumpled. The others slammed their steps repeatedly into the sewer's floor, whizzing like fireworks. I kept running. 

    Eventually, my lungs tired; weakening like a worn engine. I struggled to feel them; they struggled to inhale. In the corner of her eye, I noted a flash of red. Red like a spark, red like a frame. Red like forthcoming death and forceful passion. I turned my head, connecting my eyes with the sparkling pools of Hisoka Morrow's. 

      The teardrop under his eye reflected the sweat trickling down her spine. He approached me; becoming less like a fever dream, a more tangible. 
      He opened his mouth. His words poured, husky and silky and dominating all at once. "Are you suffering?" He inquired as if he didn't already know the answer. 
       "Fine," I bit out.
       "I, actually, disagree."
       I continued panting. 
       "I have an idea-" Hisoka began.
       "I'm fine," I repeated.
       "How about a ride?" Hisoka continued.
       I peered up at him through my lashes.
       Hisoka bent till his mouth was next to my ear, "trust me" he whispered. He then moved to a position in front of me and lifted me onto his back. I wrapped my arms around the fine muscles of his neck and his feet carried us steadily away.
       I could almost feel the smile creeping across his lips.

       My body thrummed as I fell on the floor, the wind knocking out of my lungs. My eyes burst open. 
      "Was getting to be a bit much," Hisoka commented blandly.
       "Fuck you," I rolled my eyes.
       "You're welcome," he added.
       We heard a voice call out "Welcome to the second phase of the Hunter Exam!" My eyes widened. I made it.

      "For the second phase of the hunter exam you will be making pork." Pork? Okay, I thought, that seems easy enough, and I've cooked before so how hard could it be?
      "Make your way to the forest and get a pig, then return and cook it. Buhara and I will be deciding if the plate is good or not." Menchi states with a huge smile plastered on her face. Following a debatably healthy dose of fighting with one of the contestants, everyone starts heading into the forest.

      I quickly use my ren to feel for the pig. Knowing this forest, they will not be your average pig, but a huge and dangerous one. I spot one and send 50 nen bullets at it, covering every part of his body. It drops dead to the floor as I pick it up and start dragging it back to the cooking site. Then, I start slicing it open and begin using my magical chef powers.

      A half hour later, I was finally done, I had made a gorgeous dish that tasted just as good as it looked. I then proudly brought it up to Menchi, she looked impressed. She had failed every other person before me so I was a bit curious as to how he would rate mine. She looked at it for a second, then cut out a piece and stuck it inside her mouth. Seconds later she dug in again, and again, 
      "This is amazing," she mumbled, through all the food in her mouth.
      "You pass!" She exclaimed, her eyes bursting with joy.
      "Of course she can cook, she's a girl," I heard someone say in the crowd,
      "Yeah, that's the only reason why she passed," after a couple seconds, every shitfaced man in the crowd was joining in, all of them pissed off that they failed. I couldn't take it anymore, I took the plate with my dish on top and swung it as hard as I could at their faces.
      "Ow, fuck," all of they muttered as my pig burnt them, since the sauce was boiling a couple minutes ago. 
      "Oops, sorry, my aims a little bad since I can only fucking cook you assholes." I shouted at their faces, getting ready to go beat them up. I suddenly feel warm arms wrap around my waist pulling me back. 

      "They don't deserve your rage, darling," a velvety voice whispered in my ear. I took in a deep breath, knowing exactly who the voice belonged to. Then I moved away from them and walked back to my station, only turning back to flip off the asshole of a man who started the sexist conversation.
      A couple minutes later Menchi had failed everyone in the whole thing, including me as I had taken my dish away from her before she finished, leaving her pissed off at me.
      Before I knew it, an old man dropped from a blimp to inform everyone that we would be redoing the second phase. We were told to get on the blimp, and in less than twenty minutes we had arrived at our destination.
      The redo of the second phase was a piece of cake, especially with my nen ability that literally let me float. The only thing that I found interesting was how two little boys were the first to pass after they jumped down with a huge smile on their faces.
       After we all got to eat our dream eggs, we returned to the blimp and I went straight to my room knowing I was going to pass out of exaustion the second I layed on the bed. What I didn't expect though, was that a certain someone was waiting for me in my room, with a crescent etched in his lips, creased by his tongue.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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