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*The quote with asterixis (these thingys --> **) is dedicated to Francis Bissonnette*

When Y/N was 5 years old (and Kastro was 12)...

3rd Person Perspective

      "Mommy, daddy look! I made a kitty explode! Onii-chan told me it was called nen! Then he ran away..." Exclaimed a little 5-year-old girl. She ran through the hallway of her house towards her parents' spacious, lavish room. She opened the door and ran in. Inside she saw a huge figure concealed in the shadows, standing over her parents' bloodied bodies. Blood streaked down the opulent marble pillars that stood next to her parents' limp bodies. The girl turned her attention to the shadowy figure of a man attentively. He had long white hair and cat-like deep blue eyes. The girl stood there for a second with a blank face, then she said, "Oooooo, mommy and daddy, you know how to explode too!?!?" 

      When no response came from her parents, the girl examined the room. She saw the figure in the shadows that draped across the room. Once she located the man's face, she stared into his deep, dark eyes with an innocent curiosity. The man broke eye contact and started backing up near the window. When he turned to leave, she asked, "Who are you?" When he spoke, his voice was low; a deep whisper. 

      "Someone..." Then, as fast as he had appeared, he was gone. 

      The little girl stood there for a moment, eyeing the window intently. She then turned around and began skipping out of the house to tell her brother about the mysterious man. "Onii-chan, Onii-chan! There was a mysterious man standing next to mommy and daddy; they exploded just like the kitty!" she exclaimed with notable excitement in her voice. He looked at her with a blank expression. Then, with evident urgency, he sped away, faster than the wind (or as fast as the Hisoka fangirls when they see him come out of a portal). 

      "Where are you going Onii-chan?" she curiously inquired. The girl did not understand his reaction to her news, so she decided to follow him. As she got closer to her parents' room, she heard soft sobbing, her brother normally did not cry, so this meant that something very terrible had happened. 

      When she walked into the room, she saw her strong brother standing in front of their parents' battered bodies. He had his face in his hands and was slightly shaking. She examined the bodies,  attempting to determine why he was so distressed. The girl soon discovered why. She noticed the way her mother's head tilted back in a curve; the way her father's strong arms lay limp, and the noticeable absence of their aura. She did, concerningly, notice her brother's aura spike with Ren. 

      Nervously, she began backing away. Onii-chan's eyes glowed red with rage and pain. The whites of his eyes had faded out into a blazing red. They shone; menacing and merciless. His lips parted slowly, "You did this!" He said in an angered, uneven voice.

      "What do you mean, Onii-chan? It was the mysterious man." The little girl responded, denying his assumption. She backed away, fearful of her brother.  The girl had never seen her brother like this and was afraid that he would never get out of this state. 

      "WhaT dO yOU mEaN ONi-chAn," Kastro responded in a derisive tone. "Hmm, what do I mean..?!" he laughed, not normal laughing, but the kind of laugh that psychopaths have(*cough* Hisoka *cough*). This freaked Y/N out more. Then terror hit her hard when she took another step back and felt the cold wall on her skin. Horrified, she realized that she was trapped. "WHAT DO I MEAN!!!???! I mean that our parents are fucking dead and it is your fault!" He screamed out. This was the first time Y/N had heard her brother swear. Hearing it made her pulse quicken. But what terrified her, even more, was that he said that her parents were dead. 

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