Chapter I --> The Hunter Exam

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The part with asterixis (these thingys --> **) is dedicated to Big Juice.


Present Day (Kastro is 30 and Y/N is 23)

      A few weeks ago, I overheard some people on the street talking about the Hunter Exam that is happening this year. It is something I have grown to be particularly interested in. When I arrived at the apartments I saw my brother meditating on his bed. His eyes were shut with positive Ren energy. "Hey! Oni-chan! How was your day?" I asked. Kastro calmly opened his eyes and responded in an even voice,

      "Good, what about yours?" Ever since he fought with Hisoka, and faced terrible defeat, he had distanced himself from me and practiced his Nen significantly harder.

      "Oh, you know, I was just going for a walk and ate out afterwards," I exclaimed. Kastro nodded and closed his eyes again. I took it that he was not in the mood to talk and headed to my apartment. When I had mastered Nen and was old enough to take care of myself, I fought at Heavens Arena and got my own apartment. As I headed to my own apartment, I was thinking about how I missed having deep and meaningful conversations with my brother. 

      That night, I lay awake thinking about my plans for the future. There was not much left fore me at Heaven's Arena. I had successfully fought over a thousand opponents, and I felt that my brother would be ok. He has been sober for four years now. Now that I could focus on myself,  I would make plans for MY future. I was planning to leave around 3:00 A.M. the following morning to take the airship to Zaban City, as I had heard some people saying the Hunter Exam would take place there this year. 

     When my clock read 2:00 A.M. I slowly got out of my bed and packed my bag. It was small and therefore convenient for bringing smaller items with me. I put in my phone, wallet, marbles, my reusable thermos water bottle and some granola bars to the bag. I changed into a simple f/c top and some leggings/jeans. I then grabbed my bag and left the apartment while slipping my keys into my pocket. 

      On my way to the elevator, I felt a cold thin wind brush past my bare shoulders. At that moment I remembered, shit, I forgot my jacket. Since my brother's apartment was much closer than my own, and I was competing with the clock, I decided to take one of his jackets as well as seeing him one last time (just in case I die in the hunter exam). It would also serve as a memory of him while I am away.

      When I reached his apartment, I slowly pushed open the door and quietly made my way to the closet. There, I found my brother's favourite jacket and pulled it on. I then turned around in search of my brother. When I looked over to his open bedroom door, I found that he was not there. Then, the lights flashed on.  Alarmed, I spun around to find my eyes staring into a pair of mysterious foggy blue ones shinning with suspicion. The sudden shock startled me intensely. Without recognizing who this person was, I let out a blood-curling scream and used my Nen to shove them against the hard wall as forcefully as I could. They slammed against the wall, then crumpled to the ground. I looked directly at the person, and my heart dropped when I noticed the familiar face. It was my dear brother. "Shit, Y/N, you've gotten really strong," Kastro said, slowly opening his eyes,

      "Sorry," I started, I then raised my voice, as I grew frustrated and said, "Youuuuuu don't just sneak up on someone in the middle of the night, idiot!"

      "And youuuuu don't just walk into people's houses at night with no warning... Anyways, what are you even doing here, in MY house?" he playfully inquired.

      "Ummm, I came here to get your jacket so I could go on a run..." I nervously answered. Kastro was really proficient at reading emotions and if he knew where I was going, I would never get there in time. 

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