I need your help

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"Ugh, morning, Akito," Nato yawned. "Did you find Yua yet?"

"Not yet... I'm just about to look for her." Akito quickly got out of bed, put on some jeans and a grey t-shirt.

"Well, I should also get going. I have to work and it's snowing outside so I'm afraid my car might be overflown by snow," Nato laughed.

"Bye, Nato," Akito smiled.

"Hey," Nato looked at Akito. "Don't worry about your sister, she'll come back soon." Nato kissed Akito's cheek and got into her 2014 ford mustang.

Akito's phone all of the sudden started ringing.

"Hello..?" Akito said.

"Hey, this is your auntie Sakura. I wanted to see if Yua got home yet."

"N-no, not yet." Akito started crying on the phone. "I just feel like I lost a part of me... and I don't know if she's safe or not."

"Akito, you'll find her I promise." Sakura's voice said through the phone.

"Thanks, Auntie, but I gotta go." Akito smiled weakly. Akito hung up the phone and when he turned around he saw a big portal just like the one Yua went through.

"W-What the heck is this?" Akito looked at the portal in disbelief. Then, the portal started pulling Akito in along with some furniture pieces.

"AAAAAAAH!!!!!!" Akito screamed. The portal quickly took Akito inside the colorful elf world.

"Y-Yua! Are you here? Yua!" Akito started looking around the place. "E-elves, what the--" Before Akito could finish someone grabbed his wrist and started pulling him to an alley.

"You know Yua right?" The elf looked at him.

"Y-yes... But why are you pulling me?"

"I know her too. My name is Daichi, she knows me as Wart. She got taken away by a man I owe money to. So I came here to see if anyone would help get her back."

"Wart? That's your nickname!" Akito started laughing.

"Do you want to save Yua or not. We don't have a lot of time. Who knows what's happened to Yua." Wart looked at Akito with a worried face.

"Fine let's go but where am I?" Akito asked confusedly.

"This is a place you automatically get taken into when you die or when you lose something. Some die here and have 50 years to find what they've lost, if they never find it they get stuck here for the rest of their life." Wart said.

"Thank You. So why are you here." Akito looked at Wart.

"I died here 3 years ago so I have 47 years left before I'm stuck here, and I'm looking for.."

Wart paused.

"Well before I died I broke up with my girlfriend... so love. I don't really know." Wart started walking to the front gate of the land of the lost.

"Come on, let's go," Wart said.

"Right! Let's save my sister," Akito said excitedly.

2 hours later

"So you've been with Yua for 3 days now... alone," Akito said.

"Yeah.. why? Nothing weird happened." Wart said.

"Anyway, where do you think Yua was brought to?" Akito asked

"That mountain over there. It's where the man I was talking about brings all of his prey. I think your parents are up there too."

"Right.. So how long are we till we get there?" Akito asked.

"Another good 3 hours... Is there anything you wanna talk about? So the time can pass quicker?" Wart asked.

"Umm sure... so what did Yua talk about?" Akito asked.

"She talked about you while we were at an inn, she talked about her parents, a bit about her friends from work." Wart answered.

"Wait, how old are you?" Akito asked.

"I'm 19 like Yua. She told me that one day, when she was 17, right before her parents died, some kid named Daichi went missing. Which is funny, because my first name is Daichi. I just never told her."

"Wait," Akito thought for a moment. "Daichi Yamoto!"

"W-what how'd you know?" Wart starred in Akito.

"You went to my sister's school when she was in high school!" Akito said excitedly. "That means you had to live near the school to go to Horikoshi High School! That means if we make it back home we can meet each other in the real world!" Akito smiled.

"Right. That sounds cool." Wart said.


"LET GO OF ME YOU FILTHY RAT!" Yua screamed as Saikio brought Yua to a room that was full of cobwebs. As he pushed her in, he smiled when he shut the door.

"Goodbye Yua!" Saiko laughed maniacally.

"I want to go home! Let me out of here! I want to see my parents!" Yua cried and screamed. Many tears ran down her face, and cockroaches weren't helping her feel better.

Yua looked through a small window in the room. The window had bars on it so there was no way out.

"Wart wherever you are please save me..." Yua mumbled to herself in despair.

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