crossover with 2 overpowered readers

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 this is a crossover with 2 character made by @kdog2201 and his 2 stories witch are his over powered male reader meets kill la kill and the other being rwby plz enjoy his works but keep in mind one on hold so be warry this might not fallow current events now with this over on to the crossover p.s the reader will change names but this may or may not be true to the actual story so just like most crossover consider it non cannon out side this book 

*thoughts/time skips*


Normal speech and or narration



Austin rwby dimension P.O.V

Austin: ruby like I said these powers could make you a literally demigod it's to dangerous epically if Nora here get's it 

r/n: lies I would not abuse it 

Austin: nora you would yeet a mech just for your energetic fun and ruby here would be a definition of putting speed on speed I prefer trusting jaune then you two any day 

Jaune: thanks

r/n: but

Austin: no bu-

before I could finish a dimensional circle a appears below us 

Austin: ;-;  whyyyyyyyy 

jnrr: ahhhhhh

kill la kill Austin P.O.V

Austin: EAT THIS!!!

punches the giant creature 50 feet away 

Austin: huh that was easy now time t-

portal opens up in front of him

Austin: huh hey reiketsu you know what this is  

reiketsu: beats me but we should wait till something happens

ryuko: Austin are you ok 

Austin: yeah 

satsuki: Austin what that in front of you

Austin: I do not know but it showed up an-

reiketsu: guy's it's pulling us in we sho-

before she could finish all 4 of us got sucked in

Austin P.O.V

I wake up after a nightmare and notice 2 portal's outside in beacons court yard

Austin: Horus link up we got either people from another dimension or something else  

Horus: what about our teammates 

Austin: time stop 

after I stop time I go thru the window and head to the portals

Austin: time starts

after time starts I hear people screaming thru both 

jnrra/ars: aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

while I waited for them to come out I'll put a toothpick in my mouth and after 3 minutes out of the portal came 2 guy's who look like me and volume 4 jaune,ren,ruby, and nora and 2 people from kill la kill satsuki and ryuko

while I waited for them to come out I'll put a toothpick in my mouth and after 3 minutes out of the portal came 2 guy's who look like me and volume 4 jaune,ren,ruby, and nora and 2 people from kill la kill satsuki and ryuko

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newworld, newadventure more logic breaking (male oc meets RWBY world) volume 1Where stories live. Discover now