chapter 12 meeting the parent's

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*time skips*



Normal speech and or narration



Austin P.O.V

it's been 5 day's being at beacon as student's instead of people who broke in to ozpin office Saturday me Horus Oberon Silonte and Adelia  spent on explaining to roman neo and amber about me able to comeback to life and the plan once I "die" to cinder hand's but I told them that if anyone ask or they miss me don't give the knowledge of me being alive reason why is if they deviate from the path cinder and her team will surly get the lantern even if they were quiet about who the spring maiden is it's only a matter of time before they figure it out  and make raven an target grated never said most of this but it was implied anyway today was parent teacher conference and well if Cardin is anything like his parent's best stay away from them unless they pick the fight and start the conflict

roman: soo about your parent's we know your not from this dimension as you claim so are your-

Austin: my parent's are alive not knowing what I have been doing and they will never find out  reason why I fake my death much as anyone working in the FBI or CIA once your a target best to make sure no one close is affected by what ever mean's 

neo: wait your a wanted man

Austin: in multiple dimension reason why when your leading and army or imposed as the top dog in security you the first head that need's to be removed otherwise thing's would just keep rolling  

amber: what made you a target

Austin: simple being the leader or head honcho of any thing make you one because the old saying cut the head of the snake the rest die's  and since I'm the scourge of crime and leader's who would do thing's under people radar it's lead to some complication mostly get a scope at my head 24/7 in certain dimension's 

roman: how do you deal with that 

Austin: owning the protection system as well as setting trap's and disguises 

neo: how long have you done this 

Austin: previous life since I was 23 end 35 so 12 year's that time this time since I was 14 hiding in the FBI for 3 year's so I was 17 then work for the idf from 17 current witch is 21 so 16  year's  so in total 30 year's  so dealt with this almost most of my past life 

amber: how can you live like that wouldn't you snap at this point

Austin: called being expendable or disposable better I die then someone else

n/r/a: what makes you say that 

Austin: I'm pretty sure I have said it but I can reincarnate

Amber: but don't you lose a part of who you are

Austin: yeah but better it happens to someone like me then not being able to come back at all  even roman rule was that wasn't it 

roman: in a way sure but I meant the only reason to do this is to survive mostly

Austin: so don't worry how i can deal with it it's not important atm besides you will know with the lantern anyway today parent teacher conference witch mean's classes are off even thou in usual cases they just set it in after school or privately depending amount of kids an since most of us don't have parent's

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