Attempted Escape...

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After being shoved onto the stiff "bed", I layed there in agony. After all, I'd been in a position I've never been in before so I wasn't quite sure how to handle the situation.
Still playing faint, I waited long hours until he'd finally left!
When a few hours had passed, I found the strength in me to find my feet. Using the time I had by myself, I was looking for tack ticks to escape this mortifying dump. Yet there seemed to be no answer.
Him leaving meant that he had to lock all the doors and windows making sure there was NO WAY OUT.
I was utterly stranded! How was I going to get out of here. I went out of my mind searching for multiple escapes but I couldn't find not one.
Sitting down processing what I'd been through this whole time was the only thing I could do.
Abruptly, I heard muffling coming from outside of the door. I peaked through the curtains to see what was going on, and to my surprise there was police at the front door!
Without hesitation I rushed to the door and began shouting and screaming for help hoping they would hear me.
Then I heard them violently say "it's the police OPEN UP!"
I tried to explain to them how I was trapped inside and that there was no way out, but they couldn't hear me.
That's when I felt a hand go over my mouth telling me to hush or else...

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