Will she or wont she

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After having been woken up by Jimin. Y/n was now eating the yoghurt bowl Jin had prepared for her. It was a day of today so it was the day of the talk. Taehyung and the rest of the maknae line where pacing back and forth. Hoseok was pretending like his phone was exstreamly interesting and Namjoon was sipping his water like there was no tomorrow but Jin and Yoongi remained exsptream lit calm Yoongi was writing something down and Jin was tiding her bed. She was currently sat with Jungkook and Jimin as not to disterb the elders. The where at the breakfast bar. They all piled in one by one Jin being the last one. "Do you wanna ask her Taehyung it will be more exciting coming from you!" Namjoon said head hung low, he felt sad he wanted to do it. "No you do it hyung you did all the work!" Taehyung spook happiness into the elder. "Really thanks. Anyway y/n we'd like to know if you would want to go public with us.." he didn't even get to finish his sentence before y/n sprung up clapping her hands as she bounced from one papa to the tithed. "Really papa joonie you can post picturs and I can co on stage to intervews wit you !" She said rocking back and forth now sat on Jungkook . "Yess bubu... would you like that!" He said giggeying. "By her respond joon I'd say yes!" Jimin giggled at Jin. "I'm so glad my sunshine is happy." Hoseok remarked as Jungkook showered her in kisses as Namjoon took out her braided hair. Taehyung was now getting out an outfit as Yoongi explains they where doing an interview about her coming out to the world for the first time ever. She was so exited she was physically buzzing.

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