Sick baby (6 months of y/n)

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At this point the boys had realised y/n gets sick very easily. It didn't take much to make her ill. It had been two days since she got sick and it wasn't going anywhere. The doctors said it could be a few days before she was well again.

She's so precious seeing y/n sick hurts the boys hearts. "Jinhyunggg!" Jungkook shouts. "Owww papa kookie dah shouting hurts..." she whines sniffling her nose. "Oh sorry bunny I didn't mean to!" He kisses y/ns forehead and texts the group chat.

Kookie: please someone bring up a cold towel she won't let me leave her and she's boiling hot.
Grumpy: have you changed her clothes?
Kookie: of cours she's In my T-shirt and shorts.
Jinni: okay I'm getting the cool towel
Tae: is my peaches okay I'll be home shortly with Hoseok.
Mochi: she's okay just not very well she's just hot tae no worries.
Grumpy: I'm in the studio if anyone needs me I've sent joon out to get her some almond milk.
Kookie: banana milk??
Joonie: no Jungkook I'm getting HER milk
Kookie: plsss
Joonie: okay
Kookie: yes!!!
Tae: why didn't you ask me and hobi to get it while we where out
Grumpy: we didn't realised she needed it till after you left the store
Sunshine:oh okay where almost home now

Jin comes running up the stairs with a cold towel. "Here go I ran it under the cold water and rang it out" he kneels down next to her. "Thanks Jin she's really hot" he lays it in her forehead in an attempt to cool her down. "I- I'm really sowwyyy" she cries. "Oh darling~ don't cry you don't need to be sorry." His heart breaking at the sight of his darling breaking. Kookies heart following.

Soon they all appeared back at the home, Jimin nd hobi taking over. All the others still around the home just getting in with tasks.

"Papa mochi!" Y/n whines. "What's the matter?" Jimin asks. "I-I wann bath...", she felt sticky and gross from sweeting all day due to the constant temperature changes on her little skin.

"Hoseok can you run a nice luck warm bath please..." hobi nods and heads to the the bathroom. As he turn the tap her hears her begin to cry in the other room. He hates seeing his little ray of sunshine cry. He filled the bath with plenty of bubbles. Making sure it wasn't to hit for her.

He collects the crying little from Jimins arms, she clings to him grabbing the T-shirt on his back. Papa sunshine was a great comfort. He undressed her and placed her in the bath. "Are you okay my little sunshine you seem super small." Y/n just nods back.

Hoseok begins to splash water over you, as Jimin in the other room picks out undergarments and fetches one of his T-shirt's and shorts so they'd be nice and lose on your skin so as to not make you over heat.

The body wash Hoseok uses is strawberry scented making you smile at the pleasing scent, your hair now smells like vanilla it was so nice. You where now telexed and feeling much better. "Your so adorable you know that?" Hoseok says as you splash in the water. "Hehe no chu papa sunshine" you shine a beautiful smile. Hoseok picks you up and places you in a towel as he carry's you to the bedroom where Jimin dresses you.

Hoseok plates your hair as you sit there playing with your barbie, Jimin keeping you occupied so you try to take your mind of your sickness. You still had no apatite, but you were finding it easier to eat and drink.

A few hours later and all was fine, they where all now gathered in the living area Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi on there phones Namjoon and Taehyung playing dolls with y/n, Seokjin and Jungkook cooking and plating food for dinner.

"Everyone to the table!" Jin shouts from the kitchen, a harsh glare is given from Yoongis eyes. DOSE HE NOT REMBER
Y/N ISNT WELL? y/n surprisingly is reacting Mabey all the Cow-pole is working? Jungkook takes charge of feeding y/n small amounts of food, she didn't eat a lot but some is better then none. The boys will take what they can for the time being.

She was let of the table back to playing dolls wich she did so happily, making all sorts of scenarios with the props, the boys watching in aww of there baby girl. Forgetting all about the fact she was sick, having fun for the first time in about a well such a special sight to see.

Shortly after eating she'd collapsed on Taehyungs lap peacefully. His little peaches snuggled into his chest his idea of paradise.

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