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I've always been fairly well liked, I'm not bragging but out of most the friend groups I've been in I've ended up being on of the most well liked or the one that was best friends with almost everyone. 

I've always been the therapist friend. Always. Everyone would tell me their problems, I'd willingly listen and thats how it has been with multiple friend groups. I give advice, I give comfort, I did whatever I thought would be helpful.

I'm starting to feel a little obsolete anymore, no one really talks to me or wants to hang out with me anymore. I'm always home alone so I can't have anyone inside my house and it's winter here in MN and our winters are brutal so I can't really invite anyone to hang outside. I never want to ask to go over to anyone else's house because I feel like it's rude to ask to hang out but then tell them it has to be at their house.

I know two of my friends have been hanging out without me, now obviously they can do what they want and don't always have to invite me when they hang out, but the only time they invite me over is when I see them together already and I end up saying something or talk about how it'd be nice to hang out.

I'm alone all day. Literally from 9 am to 9 pm it's only me in my house. I've expressed I'm lonely and that I'm always home with nothing to do yet I'm never invited to do anything. It just stings a lot, especially considering the fact that one of them calls me her best friend but multiple times chooses others over me or leaves me out. 

I'm not going to lie, it really hurts. And I'm sorry to anyone who may be reading this because boy does this sound like a big ol' pity party. I swear I'm not writing this to make others feel bad for me or to make my friends out to be the villains or anything, I just, literally have no one else to talk to or tell this to so this is my only way to get this out of my system.

If anyone is actually reading this I'd love to make some new friends, my discord is SoggyBurntToast#2775 and my instagram is soggy.burnt.toast so feel free to message me whenever. 

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