The problem

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Picture of Chloe on the side.

They say that dreams are successions of images ideas, emotions and sensations that occur usually involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. The content and purpose of dreams are not definitively understood but are said to be memories from a past life. The simplest of things needed an explanation. I have been dreaming as long as i can remember, most of which, was not about me, but they always come through . It was a secret that got me into trouble more than once. At times it felt like a curse and at times a blessing.But to say which one was better well we all know that the good always out way the bad. I grew up in a small country in Connecticut. As of now I will be living in Manhattan another boring place my mother choose to live. I was currently in a rented sliver skyline since we sold our cars back home, looking at the scenery of this small town. It seems like Manhattan was a nice place but I was the kinder girl who kept to myself. I would say, to others it may look like I am anti social and I can't make friends but it was totally the opposite. I was a very likable person I just chose to be a loner, I help people the best way that I can. But I never kept any close friends you know; most girls my age would have a best friend or something along that line but no not me. So I bet now you're wondering why I didn't have a best friend. Well because of my dreams I tend to say things only that person should know and sometimes they wonder how I knew that, in other words i looked like a stoocker. And then there is the problem where I can see things before it happens or I can just sense things, like moods or if someone is in danger. Sometimes I class myself as Kyle XY. You know the hot guy that was created only thing is I had a belly button and of course I couldn't move objects with my mind. Other than that me and Kyle were more alike than I would actually like to think.

Down to my mother sometimes think am weird when I tell her what is going to happen at work, when I told her she was going to get a promotion she did not believe me. Her exact words were "I think you need to see a shrink honey". So I added crazy to the list of things I have been called over the years. Well it was because of that promotion why we were currently driving to our new house in Manhattan. This was a new start for me and I was not going to let some stupid dreams ruin that for me. I was going to be or try to be as normal as possible. My mom is one of those partner lawyers and she has worked her butt off to be on the Supreme Court. My father was a story by his self, truth is I do not know my father. My mom works hard to take care of me, we had money not loaded but wealthy enough. Sometimes I wished I knew the bastard but mom does not talk about. The only thing she told me was when she told him she was pregnant he went for the hills. So all my life it has been mom and I. Being an only child has its perks. Mom took a left turn as we entered into what look like the wealthy part of Manhattan, the houses were very elegant. The moving truck stopped in front of a two story brick light brown house.

Stepping out of the car I notice almost all the neighbors were outside watching us, o joy just what I always wanted attention to last me a lifetime. The movers quickly moved our stuff into the house and into my room. I had to start packing my things away because I start college tomorrow. it was my final year and it was hard to transfer so late. My room was big like really big, bigger than the one back home. It had a bathroom as well, I had one of those back in home but it was good to know I still got it. I was one to prepare before the day this procrastination thing it isn't for me what so ever. So I took out two outfits the first one a crop top with a tribal leggings and a black and orange jays . the second was a funk jacket a sweat pants and a black jays .

Eventually a good impression is everything so I went with the outfit one. In all honesty Monday morning reach too fast it was hard being the new kid. As I left my room I went into the kitchen for a yogurt too nervous to eat. "hey mom can I have a lift." "you can take your own car sweedy". She then throw a set of keys for me, one wish belong to my car and the other a house key. "thanks mom". I hustle out of the house in search of my brand new car. When I opened the garage door it was beyond what I had hope for it was a flicking white Audi R8, holy fucks. I didn't wait for anything I hop into her and push her buttons she per to life.

I love the scent of a new car I out my seat belt on and drove out of the garage, I have never seen this college before I didn't even know where I was going but I always trusted my instincts. I got to the campus in fifteen minutes top. There were a lot of nice cars in the parking lot and a lot of students from the look of it they were loaded. I sensed a lot of drama was about to unfold and I wanted to fit in lying as low as possible. I could see the curious stares from inside of my car but because of the tinted windows they did not know who was inside. One person caught my attention he was a gorgeous. Focus your not here for the boys just get in and get easy mission right? Wrong! With a capital W. I opened the door and got out as I closed the door the guy gorgeous guy and my eyes lock. I just flip him off and started walking across the parking lot when a vehicle came out of no way and almost hit me. It was in slow motion the car was coming straight for me, and to be honest I didn't even know how I did it but I made a cart wheel flip on the car and then a front flip and landed behind the vehicle on my knuckles and knee. Just great so much for laying low. The whole parking lot went quiet until the person who was driving came out and started talking. "Did you see what you did to my car? Your paying to get it fix tramp."

"Are you fucking serious you nearly run me over and want me to pay for your car, go fuck yourself." And with that I walked away and headed into the administrative part of the building. I got curious stares, "good morning I'm Chloe Hinds I came for my schedule." I said looking at the woman in her mid 30's. "Here you go sweet heart have a good day." The way she said that reminds me of my mom. I was an art major; my time table said I had creative drawing then visual arts. Six hours of class wasn't so bad. I made my was to the art room and took a seat in the back row, luckily for me I was the first to get there. I took out my phone and listen to Tinashe two on. I couldn't help thing about what happen awhile ago how did I do that, know what I don't want to know I couldn't help smiling. What i did is what Kyle XY would have done. Someone touch my arms and jumped in my seat and notice that class already started, how long was I day dreaming for? The class was staring at me along with the teacher, just great just what I wanted more attention. I pulled my earphones out of my ears. "Glad that you can us miss....?" "Chloe Hinds" "so you're the famous Chloe". "Excuse me and I don't understand". "Never mind that, I would like for you to pay attention in my class and no earphones are allowed unless it's for working purposes."

The class was long and boring as the bell rang to signal the end of class I walked to my locker to put my books in, no need to walk around with them and I had a free period. I turned the corner and the most cliché thing happen I walked into the guy from the parking lot. Great just fucking great. "Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." I said looking up, now that was my worst mistake; he had a set of sliver eyes which was really unreal. They could not have been his eyes and then he smile after he caught me looking showing a pair dimples. That had my heart rate increasing o God help me. "What do you need him to help you with?" Shit and then it hit me like a thun ah bricks that I have just said that out loud. I was not going to let him know how he affects me so the next best thing is to embarrass him or me in the end. "God help me to get away from that odor, gosh what were you doing, you stink of sex." I know I will regret it but it was the only thing I could have come up with an in the end it was true. The look on his face that he was caught was priceless. I walked away leaving him with his mouth gapping like a fish out of water.

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