The finding out

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"Ughh really! This is getting old, how many times must I run into?" I said to Danrick in defeat. He watch me like he was expecting me to say something else to him when I didn't he ask me if I was alright. I shook my head and began to run again he did what i didn't want him to do and ran after me. I was no athlete but believe me when I said I out run him. I got my keys out before I reach my car, I didn't want to be one of those girls in the movies running from a bad guy and when time come to take out the keys they fumble with it and ends up dead. The situation wasn't like that but I didn't want to talk about it with him. I start up the car and drive I didn't know where I was going I just needed a little peace and quiet. I arrive at a clearing and because I was new to this place I can honestly say I was lost. I got out of the car and began walking on a trail which leads to a meadow. Wow the view in front of me was amazing and it gives me the tranquility I wanted. There were flowers and a big oak tree that lead to a spring. I sat under the oak tree on a large rock; I don't know how long I was there for maybe half an hour. "Breathe taking isn't it?" I ended up on the ground from the shock that he actually followed me, how long was he standing there for?

"It was until you decided to spoil it all. Did you follow me and how long were you standing there for?"

"Yes I did and for the pass thirty one minutes and ten seconds. I was worried about you, you didn't look like yourself when you ran away from me."

"How would you know what I look like?"

"well for starters when i first saw you, you had that kinder of shy personality and then when you were almost run over , you did that ninja kind of move and when Brit grill you about it you stood up to her which I must say took guts. And then when your around Jay you have that kick ass kind of attitude, but around me you try to cover up your attraction towards me by insulting me." I was wonder speechless it was all true but I was not going to let him know that I like him.

"that's all true except for the part where I cover up my attraction for you with insult, that's fought and you got all that from just the first half of the day, have you been stalking me?"

"I don't stalk people I am very observant and besides you just happen to be where I am. So tell me what happen to you where running and violently smash into me, don't tell me you can't keep your hands off this body." I cannot believe he just said. "In love with yourself much? And for your information nothing is wrong with me."

"Come on fire I know you're lying to me, you did not insult me so I know something is up now spill."

"Did you just call me fire?"

"Yeah put a lid on you and you out add fuel and you're wild," that made me smile.

"I will take that as a compliment."

"Don't try and change the topic, tell me whats on your mind fire."

"If I tell you would you promise to keep it between us?" he nodded let me know it was between us, I didn't know Dan well but somehow I trusted him.

"Turn out Principal Holmes is my dad." He didn't say anything he just stared at me like I was freaking alien. After awhile he spoke. "Okay I had such a great speech prepaid for you but I was not expecting that. How did you find out?"

"When I walked into the office I saw a picture of a little girl on his desk, the picture look very familiar but when I was going to inspect it better Mr.Holmes walked into the office and started asking me questions about my mom and then about my dad. Sense that he was sad after I told him that my dad walked out on my mom and me, but the funny thing was I felt guilt from him and sadness. And then he told me my mom was coming in for me. And then she walked in, they started staring at each other and then they looked at me well the picture of me. I put two and two together then run and that's when I ran into you." All during the time I was talking he didn't interrupted me instead he just listen.

"I always wanted to meet my father to give him a piece of my mind but I was not prepaid for it to happen so soon, I spent so many nights rehearsing what I will say to him but when the opportunity presented itself I was shock I couldn't speak."

"When you said you felt guilt from him what do you mean?" did I wanted this stranger to know about my gifts?

"Ever since I was younger I could sense what people was going to do, I could sense there moods and emotion and I also knew when something was going to happen. I don't know how I know these things I just do and that's how I avoided the accident this morning in the parking lot." He didn't say anything I knew that was the end of whatever little friendship we had, I got up dusted my ass off.

"Where are you going?"

"You don't have to pretend that you want to be around me ok."

He looked at me puzzled so I began to walk back to part I came from when I felt his hand grip my wrist and turned me around.

"I am not pretending to want to be around you, why would you think that of me?"

"Back at my old school it was how I was treated when people found out about my gifts, they befriended me and I was glad when mom moved here so I wouldn't have to deal with people thinking I am a freak." I didn't even know I was crying until I felt him wipe away my tears.

"I will never discriminate against you, I maybe many things but I am not a bad person. You can always talk to me when you need a friend." And with that he hugged me. I didn't know how long we hugged for but when I pull away I notice how close we were. I looked in his eyes and his sliver eyes were now black. That was a slap back to reality as I step away from his embrace with mouth open.

"Your eyes." I whispered "They are black, hhh-how?" I stammered.

I the distance I heard a wolf howled. "You need to get out of here now."

I turned around to leave when I notice four black wolves stepped out from the tress, we were surrounded. What the hell is going on?

"Fuck!" I heard Dan said. And before I knew it the wolves started running towards us, I turned around saw that there were now five wolves. In Dans place stood a big white wolf.

"Dan,Dan where are you? " I shouted as tears began to flow down my face. Did that wolf swallow Dan? The white wolf walked towards me and I instantly stepped back, it whimpers somehow this wolf didn't look as dangerous as the other. Behind the white wolf I saw one of the black wolf jumps into the air to attack the white furred wolf.

"Look out I yelled."But I knew that the white wolf would not respond in time. My right hand rose immediately off its own and a ball of green light shot through my palm and hit the wolf full on. The black wolf fall back on its back knocked out cold. Did I just do that? The other black wolves seeing this ran the other direction. I felt so dizzy as I drop to my knees the next thing I saw was a naked Dan over me.

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