the drama continues

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picture of Danrick

By the time it was lunch time I was famous around the campus. Turns out that the princess who almost run me over this morning was the queen bee of UDUB. Day one I have a nemisis, just what the doctor order, I had two free period and belly rang signalling the end of such periods and the beginning of the lunch our. I walked into the cafeteria and I was not surprise when the place went still. I walked over to the food area and bought a burger and cream soda. I walked over to an empty table and sat down, it wasn't until I was half way through my meal that a blonde girl sat down next to me. "Dah names Jessica but you can call me Jay,"


"I and everybody knows who you are, it was about princess got a taste of her own meds"

I couldn't help the smile that form on my face. "That was what I called her. Who is she though?"

"She is the daughter of our principal so she does what she wants, people don't stand up to her because the principal is an unfair cheating son of bitch. Am wondering how come he has not call u yet into his office to give you the talk." She the talk making rabbit ears with her fingers. I giggled to that, she was funny I like that in a person. "Why would he call me into his office? I did nothing wrong, it was his psycho bitch that nearly run me over." " it does not matter to him whether or not you did something as long as princess mention she has a problem with you then he does too". "That's a load of bull shit, someone needs to teach him and her a lesson."

Although I am not the kind of person to encourage violence or anything along that line, being around Jay made me want to teach princess and her daddy a lesson. Speaking of the devil. "I need you to get one thing straight Hinds, this is my school and that little stunt you pull this morning won't work for me. You see what I say goes I will not accept disobedience." she was talking and I was hearing but I was not going to give her the satisfaction and the attention she needed right now, so instead I look around and pretend I didn't hear her which in return made her furious at me. "I'm talking to you bitch." That give me an idea I took my phone out and press the recording button then I pretended on I was texting. After awhile I looked up. "o were you talking to me, I get confuse sometimes I haven't master slut language yet." There was a set of ooo's and ahhh's and a lot of laughter. I could have sworn I saw her eyes turned black or was it always that color? Then I heard a groan came from her. "Careful but don't make me catch your flees don't know the condition of your skin." I knew I was pushing all her buttons but she was easy to piss off. Jay didn't help the situation because she was teasing me on and I was in the moment. I cannot remember the last time I had this much fun, I never really gotten myself into a position where I was back talking someone but now I had taste it was like an addiction. Before I knew what was happen princess slapped me across the face, no one has ever hit me before, seems like princess wanted to die. I felt a gush of rage rush through my veins , I balled up fingers and box her square on the nose the crushing sound of her nose being break brought joy to me. how dear she slap me, i was going to give her another when Danrick held back my hands and said that's enough in an angry voice. was he seriously angry at me? i did not thing wrong. "what the hell is going on here?" it seems like everybody held there breath when they heard the principals booming voice echo throughout the cafeteria. His eyes met mine and i saw something flash in it was it shock? or was it anger which ever one it was i was deffinately going to find out. before you can blink his dead emotion was back as he said to me to get in his office now. he sounded more like a father than a college principal.Jay mouthed a looked luck to me before I walked out of the cafeteria. I guess Jay and I both jinx the talk from the principal. Well we all know it was about to happen rather sooner than later I prefer later but such is life right! Now that I was away from Jay I felt like my shine self again and I had time to think of my actions I really didn't handle it maturely. It was to late to have regrets now but I couldn't help but to think what have came over me, I was just so angry first she almost run me over and then she had slapped me. It was almost like some of the anger was not from me. Its like could have felt everyone's emotion and that's what most of them wanted. I took a seat inside of the office and waited for Mr.Holmes to come in. the office was pretty big and I looked around and saw a picture of a baby girl on his desk the dark brown hair look really familiar, she almost look like me. When I was going to inspect the picture further he opened the door and walked in. he looked me in the face and I sure the side of his lips went up into a half smile.

"I must say Miss Hinds you have left an impression on the student body and it is just your first day here, I don't stand violence."

"It wasn't like It was my fault."

"Are you back answering me now?"

"No I was just stating the facts which is I didn't start it."

"Someone nose is broken from what you have done."

"with all due respect Mr.Holmes I think if i was hit by your psycho daughter this morning when she nearly run me over you would have had much worse than a broken nose when my mother would have finish with her law suit against the school. So consider this a small price to pay."

"Was this done because of what Britney did this morning?"

"I am not a person of revenge and if that was the case I would not have hit her but she slapped me. My mother has never hit and I was not going to let Britney hit me and got away with it."

"What does your mother do?"

"My mother is a lawyer."

"What happen to your father?"

What was he getting at and why the hell did he wanted to know about my father

"My mom said when my father found out she was pregnant with me he went running for the hills, I have learn to accept the fact that he wanted nothing to do with me and my mother. My mom worked hard to support us both, to make me as happy as she can. She did an amazing job she was both my mother and father."

"Is your mom married?"

"What are we playing twenty on question?" I didn't like the fact that he wanted to know so much about my mother and I. it was a touchy subject for me to talk about my father.

"It is mandatory that I know about my students in case of an emergency." He said not really believing what he was say. Sounded like he was trying to convince hiself instead of me. He had a sense of longing in his voice.

"No mom never married; quite frankly I think she has never gotten over my father. She throws herself into her work so she won't have time for dates."

I worried about my mom, sometimes she sits by herself and although she is there in person it looks like her minds travel. I know she misses my dad I just wish I could do something to make her feel better.

"Well Miss Hinds since this fight at school was bloodshed I have called in your mother she will be here shortly."

"Did you really have to do that? You know I didn't do anything."

"That maybe the case put the parents need to know what went on, Britney is in the hospital."

As he said that there was a knock on the door and mom walked in. when she turned around and saw Mr. Holmes she froze in her step as her mouth gap open, did she knew Mr.Holmes? And then mom I flicked to the picture on the desk in front of her and then I looked at my principal and saw him staring at my mother. The realization hit me, was this my bastard of a father?

"Dad?'' I heard the intake of mom breathe telling me that I have it the nail on the head and I run out of the office like a mad woman. I heard mom shouting my name but I was too shock to even stop my legs from running.

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