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hey guys i will try to continue to update everyday except Sundays. so i will see if i can finish the next chapter later tonight. don't forget to vote and comment tell me what you want to see happen.
Picture of Brittney

Dan pov

Rumor has it that there was a new girl in town. Manhattan is a small country so anything happen everybody will know. My dad was in charge of the country you can say he was major, so it was his responsibility for him to know about the people who came in and out of Manhattan. My dad was also the alpha he was going to set down as the alpha when I turned twenty one which is in the next two weeks. I will take over but he will still be in charge of Manhattan that was too much of a big responsibility for me. He told me that the girl moved here with her mother and from the look of it the girl was an outcast. I cannot say that that spark my interest I was an attracted dude and I know it, the girls knew it and so did the boys. Not that I'm bragging or anything along that line, I had more than half of the female population chasing after me but I didn't use my looks to take advantage. I had some respect to the female population even though some of them didn't deserve it. So another female to UDUB was not the best news right about now. I was a werewolf who needed to find his alpha female or in this case his Luna. I wanted to make my father proud of me, I knew he love me but I always wanted to be the best in his eyes. Monday morning came so soon I was feeling so tired I didn't sleep well last night my wolf was up and pacing. He has been acting wired and it was frustrating me to hell out. Lazily I got up and took a shower. I put on a grey v neck t-shirt and a black eagle trousers pants with a grey and black jays sneakers. i love looking my best and I really love clothes. I got my keys and went down to the kitchen my mom was making pancakes and beacon. I walked over to her and give her a kiss on the fore head.

"Morning mom."

"Morning honey, do you want breakfast?"

"Of course mom."

She put a plate of ten pancakes in front of me, she knew how much I love her cooking and werewolves eat plenty in general. I devour the plate within minutes as mom handed me a glass of orange juice. I said a thank you to my mom and kissed her on the cheeks as I said a quick good bye. I walked out to garage and got inside my car. I arrived at school in ten minutes time and as usual my small group was waiting for me my beta Jacob and Dmitry my third in command. Around them were there play things, the girls who thought they had a chance with them. I got out of the car and greeted them both Jacob and Dmitry were my best friends since we were cubs so we had that brotherly bond. We did our hand shake and waited for my girl friend Brittney to arrive. I didn't know what I saw on her because she can be a real bitch at times, instead of sleeping around I made Brittney my official girl she was there to fulfill my sexual needs and I know she think its love but it was not. She thinks she is going to be the future luna of my pack but I need someone who didn't think about themselves alone and Brittney was the total opposite of what I wanted. You may think I was using her well your right, I had a conscience.

My thought was cut short when my wolf began to stir, Dmitry notices and ask me what's up I told him that my wolf was restless and I hadn't sleep at all last night. He started making fun of me and told me I needed to get laid. He had me laughing leave it to Dmitry to brighten my day he never disappoints.

My laugh died down when I saw a white Audi pulled into the parking lot, the whole parking lot went quiet. I suspected that it was the new girl because no one had a car like that around here. The door didn't open the same time it look the person was looking to see who all was around. The door opened and my wolf started to howl which I thought was weird, out walked a girl who looked like she just walked out of teen magazine. She was beautiful but she didn't look like the kind of person to show it off, and the way she was dress it was a total turn on. Don't get me wrong she didn't dress slutty, she was in a tight one of those cut up high and low tops and a jays. This girl had style her long dark brown hair blow in the wind. Her eyes met mind and she smirk at me, wow did she really just smirk at me. I already like her she was breath of fresh air she closes her door and was walking away when I saw Brittney speeding into the parking lot heading straight to the new girl. I held my breath because I knew this would not end well but what happen next I was not prepare for it. The girl somehow flicked over the car and landing without the even the slightest scratch on her delicate skin. My mouth hangs low in shock and relieve.

Brittney got out of the car and stormed after the girl I felt sorry for her, Brittney was not someone you wanted to cross.

"Did you see what you did to my car? Your paying to get it fix tramp."

"Are you fucking serious you nearly run me over and want me to pay for your car, go fuck yourself."

Okay I did not see that one coming, this girl was a spit ball of fire and I love it. But am afraid she has just gotten herself an enemy. I had a free period and Brittney thought it was a good time to have a make out session in the janitor closet and one thing lead to other we ended up having sex. At first I was all against it but Brittney can be very convincing, she got down on her knees and blew me when I couldn't take it anymore I turned her around and fucked her hard against the wall. I pull up my zip and walk out leaving her panting. I was heading to my locker when someone crashed into.

"Sorry I wasn't looking where I was going".

When the person look up I notice it was spit fire, I saw the familiar stare she give me I got from all the females here and I didn't want it from she either but as I was about to leave I heard her say.

"O God help me."

"What do you need help with?"

"God help me to get away from that odor, gosh what were you doing, you stink of sex." And then she walked away leaving me in shock. Did I smell like sex? Well if she found me out others will too. I went home and took a shower.

Lunchtime came and I was sitting at our regular table when I saw her walked in and bought herself lunch. Most girls would either buy some kind of salad or just plain fruits but she bought a burger and a bottle soda. This girl was totally amazing and she was totally different and she caught my attention. She went and sat down by herself plain to see that she did not make any friends as yet. After a while Jay went and sat down near to her and from afar you can see they both hit if off.

"Did you hear me?" Brittney asked "What I wasn't paying attention." her head turn in the direction I was watching shit. I saw her body went stiff and she got up and went over to Jay and the girl. I didn't hear what they were saying but know Brittney she was proberly tell off the girl but the funny thing was the girl was not paying any attention and that will not sit well with Brit. The girl said something and Brit slapped her, the whole lunch room went quiet. Shit just got real as I saw the girl box Brit and snap her nose, I jumped to my feet and went over as she was about to deliver another punch. I know Brit wolf was on the surface and she would not be able to control herself. As her hand almost reaches Brit face I caught it. Principal Holmes enters the cafeteria and summons the girl to the office, typical Holmes he was not going to do Brit anything. The girl walked away leaving Jay sitting at the table.

"Take her to the hospital would you." Yes sir I answered

"Dmitry handle this." And with that the bell rang signaling the end of the lunch period.

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