19. Elevator Music

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Elevator music already tends to trim the fine line of being both nonchalant and/or boring, but here it's just abusing its powers. It's almost like you're gonna fall asleep. Maybe it's due to the waiting? With all the hype building after solving the puzzle and hearing the elevator doors open up, it's no wonder all this waiting is leaving you restless.

The four of you are just standing there quietly, Zacharie taps his foot to the beat, Batter gives Sugar the occasional glance of suspicion while Sugar hums to the music despite the looks she's receiving from the Batter. "What do you think we'll find on the top floor~?" She wonders, standing to your left while Batter supports you from the right.

The masked man lowered his backpack so he could lean on the wall behind you. "A faster transport I hope," Zacharie adds with a snicker.

The Batter turns to you, wishing you'd join the conversation. "What do you think puppeteer?"

"Hmm," your face shifts into a thoughtful look.

"This is usually the part of the game where we'll find the boss of this level, you know- whoever is responsible for brainwashing the elsen and whatnot." you scratch your chin.

"Ooo a final boss, how exciting~!" Sugar claps her hands together.

"I don't expect we'll meet the mastermind this soon, even back then there were four zones and four guardians before the final fight." Zach remains skeptical.

"Whoever it is, we'll fight them and return puppeteer's home to normal." Batter crosses his arms over his chest. 

This statement made Zacharie choke on a gasp, it was too faint for anyone else to hear except for Sugar, out of everyone in the group she's the more perceptive. "Something wrong Zacharie?" Sugar pokes the smaller man with one of her finger puppets, Zach kept his lips shut tight, but the curiosity was gnawing on his insides. 

"What do you think will happen... when we reach that point?" his voice is low, almost too uncertain of the question himself.

Batter kept his eyes on the ground while you fidget in your spot, Sugar starts giggling but it sounds like it's more out of nervousness. The elevator music took over the confined space once more, no one has thought about that, let alone dared to answer. But it's at that moment where the elevator finally stops, with the metal doors opening up to show the lone white corridor awaiting for them.

"Ladies first." was the only thing you could say to break the awkwardness, extending your arm towards the door.

"Don't mind if I do~"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2021 ⏰

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