10. Blow Off Some Steam (Batter)

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A/N: Welcome to the beginning of the Batter route! enjoy this chapter's artwork 7w7


Your eyes land on the Batter.

If there's a chance things could go wrong and you two end up ambushed, then there's no doubt Batter will be able to hold himself together with your guidance. Just like in the old days.

"Batter, looks like you're coming with me." you tell the athlete with a cheeky grin. "You're not getting rid of me that easily." you joke around.

The Batter didn't seem to mind, shrugging his shoulders. "Wasn't planning to."

"Okay Zacharie, me and Batter will pretend to act as normal clients while you scoot off and find something of worth. Think you can do that buddy?"

"For you mon amie, I'll climb literal mountains." the masked man chuckles with a wave of his hand. "Go on without me, I'll be sure to find something." he reassured you.


"I'll leave (y/n) in your holy hands Batter. Take care of our dear puppeteer." Zacharie warns the Batter with a firm tone. Where Batter simply nods. Zacharie went to the bench and equipped his back pack once more, heading off to the opposite direction of the sauna.

You turn around to face your temporary undercover partner. Patting his shoulder.

"Let's go on with the show." you say to your add on, heading to your assigned locker while Batter went to his.

The athlete placed the key card in front of the locker, opening it without any trouble. Inside the metal locker is a pair of sandals, a towel and a bathrobe made of an unknown texture.

Most likely the same material as puppeteer's clothes. He thought.

Batter turned around to ask you what was the name of said materials until the question got stuck in his throat, seeing you are already a step ahead of him by removing half of your clothing. You were a little oblivious to the fact Batter kept staring at you, it wasn't until you were in your underwear when you finally noticed him.

"Something wrong?" you ask with a hint of concern in your voice, tilting your head to the side as you fold your clothing.

"Uhh... No, nothing at all." Batter lightly shook his head to the sides.

"You're still in your uniform." you notice. Nodding towards his own clothing, an amusing smile crossing on your lips. "Don't tell me you've been wearing them for so long that they're glued to your skin." you giggle at the thought.

"I can remove my clothes."

Batter frowns, eyeing his jersey shirt. Forgetting the last time he ever changed his outfit, mainly when he equips new armor but that felt like ages ago.

"You sure?" you ask all of a sudden, too close than Batter anticipated.

The man jumped to his feet, unaware on how you approached him so quickly. At some point you slipped on the bath robe, it was still parted lightly enough for him to catch a glimpse of your chest, not to mention his taller height made it so he had a distinctive view.

"Do you need any help?" you offer, your eyes trailing down his uniform.

The Batter swallowed, his mind going to places he never thought he would dwell into. He regained his composure one way or another, mainly by extending both hands to cover your chest properly much to your confusion.

"I can handle this by myself." the Batter grumbled, yet he couldn't look at you in the eye.

It was then that something finally clicked in your brain. "Ohh I get it. I'll give you some privacy if that's what you need." you nod in sympathy, storing your clothes in your locker. "I'll be waiting outside the hall when you're done." you tell the man before leaving.

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