15. Pedalo Ride

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"Can you remind me again why we're here?" Batter asks in a grumpy mood.

You don't blame him, being cramped together in a pedalo would make anyone turn into a sour puss.

"We're looking for collectibles~" you chime. "If there's only one notebook page per vending machine, then that means the rest are hidden."

The swan-shaped pedalo floated its way down the smooth plastic currents, passing by a few elsen enjoying the oddly oriental-themed water park (or would it be a plastic park? Doesn't have the same ring to it) , either resting on a bench or happily interacting with each other.

Now that you think about, maybe having the Spirited Away movie in your files wasn't a bad idea.

Batter tried to adjust himself on the seat, struggling to find a position where Zacharie's sheathed sword isn't poking him in the ribs.

"This blows," Batter grunts.

You offer him an apologetic smile.

"I have an idea," you suggest, crawling on top of the pedalo head. "There ya go, now it feels less crammed right?" you smile.

"Puppeteer get down from there, you could get hurt." Batter waves a finger at you.

"Nah, I have a good view from here," you stick your tongue out.

During your tomfoolery, you failed to notice how the pedalo picked up speed with the currents making a steep dive into a tunnel. There's a reason why you're not supposed to surpass the height limit. The tunnel entrance smacks you on the back of your head, knocking you off the pedalo. 

"(y/n)!" Zacharie and Batter shout in unison, but they couldn't stop the pedalo from its intended course. Vanishing in the dark, and leaving you floating in the artificial river.

But not all is lost, your unconscious body was recovered by a bypassing stranger holding a lantern. They pulled you out of the river and laid you on a sidewalk inside the tunnel, even giving you mouth to mouth in case you swallowed some liquid.

You jolt awake, coughing as you tried to recover your breath.

"Where am I?"

"Oh you're in the pedalo tunnels," a sing-song voice informs you. "Glad you didn't drown, that would've been embarrassing since the river isn't that deep tee hee~" they giggle.

The tunnel is dark, only illuminated by the single lantern the stranger holds. Even if you can't see their face, you have an eerie feeling that they talk with a smile on their face.

"That means... You saved me?"

"That's right~" the stranger giggles.

"Thanks for that, but who are you?" you ask, standing on your feet and getting closer to the stranger.

Their hand is stretched out in a way the lamp only illuminated you, however the closer you leaned towards them the more the light shines on the stranger's body. Seeing short hair, dark lipstick, a feminine waist, and a charming smile attached to it.

"I'm just a gal who loves to see people pass by in pedalos, you can call me Sugar~" she giggles once more.

You gasp at the reveal, taking a step back.

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