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Yuki's speech went a lot better than she expected. Of course that didn't mean it wasn't free of errors, and she certainly flubbed up some words here and there from the anxiety. Arata was proud of her for standing up on her own two feet. Even if it did require a little bit of push from him.

"I know that perhaps I might not seem like a leader... Um, but..." Yuki came to the conclusion of her speech. "I know that I do care about the students of the school here, even though I've only been here a few months... And I want to help support everyone as best I can." The audience gave her a solid round of applause as she stepped away from the podium.

"Nice job Yuki." Yogi gave her a glowing review to her speech. "You really killed it out there."

"Yeah..." She replied, sounding nearly out of breath for someone who didn't do anything physical. "It was... So exhilarating and I... Someone catch me." Her body couldn't take anymore of the stress that she was feeling with all those eyes on her. Now it had failed and she fainted. Fortunately, Arata was there to catch her in his arms.

"Sheesh, we might've pushed her a little too far." He said as he princess carried the girl. Yuki had a real cute sleeping face as he felt the warmth of her body on his. "Do you mind keeping an eye on her?" Arata dropped her off to Ichiri, this being an attempt to talk with the withdrawn girl.

"She'll be fine with me." She responded with a dejected tone. Her eyes didn't even move to meet his gaze as he placed the unconscious girl down against the wall. The boy felt bad about the way she was. Mainly because it was his fault, but right now he couldn't focus on it. There was still one more person left to give their speech The one wildcard that left everyone unsure of her true motives.

Syari walked up to the stand with a proper and strong stride. She set down her papers down and cleared her throat to begin talking.

"Students, I'm sure that most of you haven't heard of me." She began. "And perhaps you would be wondering why someone like me would want to run." Syari gave off the standard list of items to sell her case. Everything seemed so basic, that he didn't think much of it. After all, if that was all she had to offer, then the students would most certainly just vote for Misei.

What was he so worried for then? At this current rate, she just seemed to be as arrogant as Ichiri. The only difference between them was the level of maturity that was displayed. However, what she would say next sent chills down his spine. "However the true reason I ran for our prestigious student council president position is simple. It's because of Arata Kashimura." She pointed right at the boy.

"Huh?" Everyone around him turned their heads to look at him. The crowd had audible confusion as they murmured among themselves. What could she possibly mean by that?

"Do you... Know who that girl is?" Misei asked.

"No." He answered. "I only just met her for the first time with you." Arata was really concerned at this revelation. She already seemed suspicious of him when they talked the other day, but this move by her was completely unexpected.

"Think about it." She explained her case. "Doesn't anyone think it odd how everyone running in our student council is related to him one way or another?" There was a point there. It was one thing that he knew all the candidate outside of Syari, but another thing considering he was good friends with all of them. To the point that, though not to the awareness of most, a fair bit of the girls had romantic feelings for him.

That was a hefty thing to bring up to the crowd. It certainly got them thinking, which now made him worry his presence could hurt all the girls around him. "At first, I thought he was a lecherous soul playing all those girls in some type of harem." When she said that out loud to everyone, it got him hot under the collar. To be viewed as a playboy would certainly bring about some issues in his school life. "But that made no sense to me, since he was only a loner until shortly after this school year ended."

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